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CCJ by default being set aside and counterclaim

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  • CCJ by default being set aside and counterclaim

    Hi, I'll try to add as much information as I can but will need to keep it as anonymous as possible.

    Last year my company brought a vehicle from another company. The owner of the company was also my landlord at the time.

    This vehicle at the time of sale was being used for their business but the person who was going to run the business couldn't do it anymore so they sold the assets. We were contacted by email when they advised the business, again saying the vehicle had been used by themselves and could be used in that manner. We also saw them using the vehicle in this way. We brought the vehicle from them after many conversations where we were assured beside a few cosmetic issues the vehicle was fine to be used in the manner we were planning.

    We signed a contract that stated we could pay in 2 installments, on receipt of the 2nd installment the vehicle would be transferred to ourselves. The vehicle was sold as seen with no warranty. We paid the first installment and began to fix the cosmetic issues we had been told about.

    Around 2 months later, we asked the person we bought the vehicle from for a very important piece of paperwork, we were then informed that this vehicle had never had this piece of paperwork, and they were aware of this fact as they had taken the previous owner to court for the same issue. Without this piece of paperwork the vehicle is illegal to use, we had no reason to believe that they did not have this in place as we had seen this company carrying out paid work using this vehicle. And the person who we bought it from was a reputable business person, this wasn't their only business at the time.

    After it transpired this vehicle was illegal to use, we tried to work with the person we got it from to come to a mutual agreement so we could get it up to standard. We exchange many emails but could not come to any satisfactory outcome so we told them due to the vehicle being miss sold to us we would like our first installment returned, to which he refused and told us to contact his lawyer. We agreed to talk to his lawyer but he never gave us any details.

    Durning this time they used the vehicle without our permission, which we have evidence of. We returned the vehicle.

    We again emailed to tell him that we would be seeking our money via the courts to which he claimed this was the first he had been told there was a problem.

    We sent a letter of notice which he confirmed he received via email and reply he would see us in court.

    We applied for the CCJ and put the correct address and email address for him. He did not respond to any correspondence from the courts and we won by default.

    Around a month later we contacted again about making payment, we was informed that they had applied for the CCJ to be set aside, and he was putting in a counter claim for the full balance and fees he had incurred including lawyers fees. This was the first we had been told about this.

    We finally got his lawyers contact details and he told us the form had been sent around 2 weeks after the CCJ was issued.

    We heard nothing for another month then there laywer contacted us again. He told us they had applied for the CCJ to be set aside as his client did not receive anything from the courts. He also said you can see It happens because you haven't received anything either.

    It transpires that we had received no correspondence because the laywer had put the wrong postcode for us on the forms.

    The lawyer then emailed us to tell us we should have informed his client after we issued the CCJ so he had the chance to defend it. No where does it say that we have to do this, as the courts contact the defendant.

    He then asked us to sign a consent form for it to be set aside, to which we had refused as we feel the judgement is correct. He said refusal will be reflected in the costs of order his client will be adding to the counter claim.

    We have emailed the courts to let them know about the wrong address the defendant has put on the forms he sent off over 6 weeks ago. And asked the lawyer to do the same.

    We wondered what sort of chance they have of this being set aside and how long it would take to hear from the courts as it has been 6 weeks if they put the claim in when said. Would we hear anything if it is not set aside? As of today then money claims portal still shows the CCJ awarded.

    We also want to know if we can request proper details of the counterclaim and defence. Also how much they could potentially try to claim.

    The CCJ is less than £3000.

    Thanks for reading

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  • #2

    What is this important piece of paper that makes the vehicle illegal to drive and has caused so much trouble?

    Their lawyer is incorrect.

    When the defendant received your Particulars of Claim from the Court they should have filed the Defence and sent you a copy. You could then have filed a Reply to Defence and sent the defendant a copy along with your completed Directions Questionnaire.

    You have provided the court with the defendant's correct address as they have received the CCJ from the court. Their lawyer is wrong when he said you should have sent the defendant the ccj

    The defendant wants their lawyer to set aside the judgement by way of Form N244 Application Notice. The lawyer wanted your consent so the defendant doesn't have to pay the court fee for the application.

    When the defendant files an application notice with the court they must send the claimant a copy within 3 days. You did right not to consent. You should wait to receive the notice from the defendant. If they provide the court with a good reason why they didn't file a defence on time, you may be asked to attend a hearing where you can dispute the application.

    If you don't receive anything, you have just over 6 months to apply to court for a warrant of control


    • #3
      I did not comment on the contract that was signed for the sale. You stated you started repair work on it before you became the owner (the 2nd installment had not been paid) and then the owner (the defendant) retrieved the vehicle (I assume with keys) to use it. Sounds a strange arrangement, although you did say the owner used it without your permission


      • #4
        The OP decided to make his next post in a new thread. I am quoting it here.
        Originally posted by Mimibents View Post
        Following on from my previous post we have finally heard from the court. The defendant has been given a deadline to file their draft defense and send us a copy.

        Once we receive this will we need to send the court anything else, response to their defence or just wait and see what the judge says?

        What happens after we receive it, I assume we will be told either way, if it's going to court or being thrown out?

        I have looked online but couldn't find quite what I'm asking.


        Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

        Litigants in Person should download and read this: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


        • #5
          It rather depends on what the defence says, and also on the other evidence filed in support of the application.
          Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

          Litigants in Person should download and read this: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


          • #6
            We haven't received anything about their defence as of yet. All we have is a letter from the court saying they have until such a date to file a draft defense and send us a copy.

            We didn't receive anything previous to this, it says it's a general form of Judgement of order.

            So I guess we keep waiting! Thanks


            • #7
              You mentioned the defendant's lawyer intends to make a counterclaim
              When you receive the Defence and Counterclaim you will have 14 days to file your Defence to Counterclaim and send a copy to the Defendant
              If you decide to write a Reply to Defence this document should be filed when you return your completed Directions Questionnaire and both documents sent to the defendant


              • #8
                That's very helpful, thank you.

                If we don't hear anything by the deadline should we contact the courts or lawyer or even both?


                • #9
                  Hi me again! We received a draft defence and counterclaim by email around an hour before the deadline. From reading online we won't receive any more from the courts and as you helpfully said we will have 14 days to respond. Is this correct or do we need to wait for the directions questionnaire?

                  Also at the bottom of the general form of judgement order N24 we received from the court it says we have 7 days from being served to have it varied/set aside or stayed. Do we need to do anything about that?

                  Thank you


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