Please help - I have now recieved a court order and particulars of claim from CEL dated 12th June from Civil Enforment ltd for outstanding debt and damages can you advise on next steps to fight them? (Please see attached)
I previously received a LBC from Wright hassall caliming I owed a debt which I disputed and asked them for a compliant LBC, they stated theirs was complient however their was no break down of debt , I have now received teh court order , I have completed the AOS and now request help for a defence
The circumstances were - there were two possible drivers at the time, we popped into a small small parking area in front of shops to buy a few groceries whilst visiting our daughter who is three hours away The car was not unoccupied as ther ewas little parking space total time wasfor 19 minutes, I cant remember any signage at the entrance.
Please help - I have now recieved a court order and particulars of claim from CEL dated 12th June from Civil Enforment ltd for outstanding debt and damages can you advise on next steps to fight them? (Please see attached)
I previously received a LBC from Wright hassall caliming I owed a debt which I disputed and asked them for a compliant LBC, they stated theirs was complient however their was no break down of debt , I have now received teh court order , I have completed the AOS and now request help for a defence
The circumstances were - there were two possible drivers at the time, we popped into a small small parking area in front of shops to buy a few groceries whilst visiting our daughter who is three hours away The car was not unoccupied as ther ewas little parking space total time wasfor 19 minutes, I cant remember any signage at the entrance.