Issue Date: 25/02/2017
Amount approx: £1000
Claimant: Lowell Portfolio
Solicitor: Lowell Solicitors
Original Creditor: Next
Particulars of Claim: 1. The Defendant entered into a Consumer Credit Act 1974 regulated agreement with Next under account reference XXXXXXXX ('the Agreement') 2. The defendant failed to maintain the required payments and a default notice was served and not complied with 3. The Agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on xx/xx/2013 and notice given to the defendant. 4. Despite repeated requests for payment the sum of £XXremains due and outstanding. And the Claimant claims a) the said sum of £xx b) interest pursuant to S69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.191, but limited to one year, being £xx c) Costs
Is the debt Statute Barred? No (Default date Sept 2011)
List any letters you have sent: CCA & CPA
Any Other Info: Received a response from Lowell Solicitors confirming my request and noting my intention to defend the claim. 'The account will be placed on hold until we have received the requested agreement and default notice from Next. We enclose the letter of assignment for your perusal. The Deed of Assignment will not be sent to you as it is a confidential agreement between our client and the original creditor containing information you are not entitled to see'.
What do I need to do now please?
Amount approx: £1000
Claimant: Lowell Portfolio
Solicitor: Lowell Solicitors
Original Creditor: Next
Particulars of Claim: 1. The Defendant entered into a Consumer Credit Act 1974 regulated agreement with Next under account reference XXXXXXXX ('the Agreement') 2. The defendant failed to maintain the required payments and a default notice was served and not complied with 3. The Agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on xx/xx/2013 and notice given to the defendant. 4. Despite repeated requests for payment the sum of £XXremains due and outstanding. And the Claimant claims a) the said sum of £xx b) interest pursuant to S69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.191, but limited to one year, being £xx c) Costs
Is the debt Statute Barred? No (Default date Sept 2011)
List any letters you have sent: CCA & CPA
Any Other Info: Received a response from Lowell Solicitors confirming my request and noting my intention to defend the claim. 'The account will be placed on hold until we have received the requested agreement and default notice from Next. We enclose the letter of assignment for your perusal. The Deed of Assignment will not be sent to you as it is a confidential agreement between our client and the original creditor containing information you are not entitled to see'.
What do I need to do now please?