Hi, I would really appreciate some further advice and also reassurance about what I have done to date please as I'm finding this all rather confusing and stressful.
I fear i may have messed up as I acknowledged service online as a partial defence rather than a full defence, i hadn't visited the site at that point as this Legal Beagle account was set up by my husband when he needed debt advice last year and I didn't think to ask for help straight away.
I received the claim from Northampton dated 29th June 2016, it arrived on 7th July.
The solicitors are Howard Cohen and Co. and the claimant is Hoist Portfolio Holdings 2
To date I have acknowledged service and today prepared a CPR 31.14 request using the template from the site, I will be posting by first class recorded delivery in the morning.
Using the date calculator on this site I believe that I must submit my defence by 01st August, 33 days after the claim is dated 29th June, am i correct in that please? Once the claimants solicitor receives the CPR31.14 request are they likely to agree to any additional time for me to submit my defence, I understand that they can agree to an extension of 28 days, is that from 01st august or another date please?
The amount of the claim is approx £1600 plus statutory interest since the account was closed of over £500.
This is one of several creditors that are chasing us, my husband was made redundant unexpectedly in 2010 and our house was subsequently repossessed in 2012 as his income was significantly lower and has remained low since so we are unable to meet general expenses without Tax credit support.
The particulars of claim are;
This claim is for the sum of £****.** in respect of monies owing pursuant to an overdraft facility under bank account number ******.
The debt was legally assigned by MKDP LLP (Ex HSBC) to the claimant and notice has been served. The defendant has failed to repay overdrawn sums owing under the terms and conditions of the bank account.
The claimant claims
1. The sum of £*****
2.Interest pursuant to S69 of the county court act 1984 at rate of 8.00 percent from 7/06/12 to the date hereof 1480 is the sum of £***
3.Future interest accruing at the daily rate of £.35
4. Costs
Your advice or suggestions on how best to proceed are very welcome.
Thank you.
I fear i may have messed up as I acknowledged service online as a partial defence rather than a full defence, i hadn't visited the site at that point as this Legal Beagle account was set up by my husband when he needed debt advice last year and I didn't think to ask for help straight away.
I received the claim from Northampton dated 29th June 2016, it arrived on 7th July.
The solicitors are Howard Cohen and Co. and the claimant is Hoist Portfolio Holdings 2
To date I have acknowledged service and today prepared a CPR 31.14 request using the template from the site, I will be posting by first class recorded delivery in the morning.
Using the date calculator on this site I believe that I must submit my defence by 01st August, 33 days after the claim is dated 29th June, am i correct in that please? Once the claimants solicitor receives the CPR31.14 request are they likely to agree to any additional time for me to submit my defence, I understand that they can agree to an extension of 28 days, is that from 01st august or another date please?
The amount of the claim is approx £1600 plus statutory interest since the account was closed of over £500.
This is one of several creditors that are chasing us, my husband was made redundant unexpectedly in 2010 and our house was subsequently repossessed in 2012 as his income was significantly lower and has remained low since so we are unable to meet general expenses without Tax credit support.
The particulars of claim are;
This claim is for the sum of £****.** in respect of monies owing pursuant to an overdraft facility under bank account number ******.
The debt was legally assigned by MKDP LLP (Ex HSBC) to the claimant and notice has been served. The defendant has failed to repay overdrawn sums owing under the terms and conditions of the bank account.
The claimant claims
1. The sum of £*****
2.Interest pursuant to S69 of the county court act 1984 at rate of 8.00 percent from 7/06/12 to the date hereof 1480 is the sum of £***
3.Future interest accruing at the daily rate of £.35
4. Costs
Your advice or suggestions on how best to proceed are very welcome.
Thank you.