Today, 15/07/16, I received an N24 General Form of Order dated 9/07/16, ordering that my ex and I, who did not attend court to:
I would like to know if this may transpire into a CCJ that will be added to my credit file?
Thanks in advance.
Today, 15/07/16, I received an N24 General Form of Order dated 9/07/16, ordering that my ex and I, who did not attend court to:
- This matter be adjourned on payment of current rent plus instalments of £16.00 per week towards the arrears of £382.83, first payment by 11th July 2016.
- The defendants to pay the Claimant's costs on the claim form of £325.00
I would like to know if this may transpire into a CCJ that will be added to my credit file?
Thanks in advance.