I have today received a County Court Business Centre Claim from Northampton, for a Yorkshire Bank Credit Card debt.
The particulars of claim...
"The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the depdendant under a contract between the defendant and Yorkshire Bank dates on or about 17 February 2000 and assigened to the Claimant on Sep 25 2008
Date 10/03/2015 / Item Default Balance / Value £6972.31 / Post Refrl Cr NIL
Amount claimed £6972.31, Court Fees £410 / Legal representatives cost £100.00 - Total amount £7482.31
To cut a long story short, I went through a very bad divorce in 2000 (over 16 years ago) I was unable to pay outstanding credit card debt and received a CCJ for it. Which Cabot must have taken over.
Can they take me back to court for a second CCJ for the same debt all of those years ago?
I have read previous threads and have followed your steps
1: ACKNOWLEDGE THE CLAIM - you can do this online usually at www.moneyclaim.gov.uk
You'll need your claim reference and password from the front of the claim form - this will extend the time you have to respond to the claim to 28 days from when you received it
2: Send A CCA REQUEST to the CLAIMANT ( see here )
This applies to all credit cards / loans / hire purchase / store cards type debt. It doesn't apply to Mobile Phones / Utilities or Overdrafts.
3: Send a CPR request to the CLAIMANT'S SOLICITORS ( see here )
This applies to everything unless they happen to have supplied you with a bunch of paperwork to back up their claim (v. unlikely) You can include a copy of your CCA request with this letter for information.
Do I need to send copies to the courts of what I have sent please.
How long do I give them to reply?
Many Thanks for your help, I feel really upset and distressed and hope I can get this sorted out.
The particulars of claim...
"The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the depdendant under a contract between the defendant and Yorkshire Bank dates on or about 17 February 2000 and assigened to the Claimant on Sep 25 2008
Date 10/03/2015 / Item Default Balance / Value £6972.31 / Post Refrl Cr NIL
Amount claimed £6972.31, Court Fees £410 / Legal representatives cost £100.00 - Total amount £7482.31
To cut a long story short, I went through a very bad divorce in 2000 (over 16 years ago) I was unable to pay outstanding credit card debt and received a CCJ for it. Which Cabot must have taken over.
Can they take me back to court for a second CCJ for the same debt all of those years ago?
I have read previous threads and have followed your steps
1: ACKNOWLEDGE THE CLAIM - you can do this online usually at www.moneyclaim.gov.uk
You'll need your claim reference and password from the front of the claim form - this will extend the time you have to respond to the claim to 28 days from when you received it
2: Send A CCA REQUEST to the CLAIMANT ( see here )
This applies to all credit cards / loans / hire purchase / store cards type debt. It doesn't apply to Mobile Phones / Utilities or Overdrafts.
3: Send a CPR request to the CLAIMANT'S SOLICITORS ( see here )
This applies to everything unless they happen to have supplied you with a bunch of paperwork to back up their claim (v. unlikely) You can include a copy of your CCA request with this letter for information.
Do I need to send copies to the courts of what I have sent please.
How long do I give them to reply?
Many Thanks for your help, I feel really upset and distressed and hope I can get this sorted out.