Am I reading this wrong?
Can someone clarify this for me please.
I find it confusing because if a party is making an application requesting an extension of time in which to file an appellants notice how can the appellants notice be made at the same time
EXTENDING TIME IN WHICH TO APPEAL3.1 A party may apply to the lower court for an extension of time in which to file an appellant’s notice. The application must be made at the same time as the appellant applies to the lower court for permission to appeal.
Can someone clarify this for me please.
I find it confusing because if a party is making an application requesting an extension of time in which to file an appellants notice how can the appellants notice be made at the same time
EXTENDING TIME IN WHICH TO APPEAL3.1 A party may apply to the lower court for an extension of time in which to file an appellant’s notice. The application must be made at the same time as the appellant applies to the lower court for permission to appeal.