I am very concerned at the recent ruling by a Judge who agreed with a claim brought by Pra / aktiv kapitol,
that the date for cause was inline with the default date entered on the defendants credit record, and not 6years + 1to 2 months after last payment or acknowledgement.
This is on " consumer action group" (johno23).
My last payment to mbna was in April 2009, and the default date was in October 2009.
This was for Credit Card.
Many have tried and threatened , but lots of online help and advise has got me through.
I thought I was well and truley S.B by now
However if Pra Group are bouyed by this latest Judement, I feel they may start a series of claims on accounts that are nearing S.B dates as displayed on credit files,and not the initial cause of action.
So, I will put this out there.
1. What is the definitive answer to when the debt becomes S.B.
2. If I recieve a claim form, should I have first have had correspondonce from Pra.
3. Should they first send me warnings and or letter before action.
4. If I s.a.r. them would that prevcent them from taking action, and allowing me the 40 days to get pass my default day as on credit file.
Did the Judge get this horrible wrong?
All advice is appreciated.
that the date for cause was inline with the default date entered on the defendants credit record, and not 6years + 1to 2 months after last payment or acknowledgement.
This is on " consumer action group" (johno23).
My last payment to mbna was in April 2009, and the default date was in October 2009.
This was for Credit Card.
Many have tried and threatened , but lots of online help and advise has got me through.
I thought I was well and truley S.B by now
However if Pra Group are bouyed by this latest Judement, I feel they may start a series of claims on accounts that are nearing S.B dates as displayed on credit files,and not the initial cause of action.
So, I will put this out there.
1. What is the definitive answer to when the debt becomes S.B.
2. If I recieve a claim form, should I have first have had correspondonce from Pra.
3. Should they first send me warnings and or letter before action.
4. If I s.a.r. them would that prevcent them from taking action, and allowing me the 40 days to get pass my default day as on credit file.
Did the Judge get this horrible wrong?
All advice is appreciated.