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Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

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  • #91
    Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

    Thanks again Nem - if I can get scanned documents to work I will post! I would have thought that if they had notice of assignment it would have been produced by now and the bank statement does not look too convincing. I shall sleep on it tonight and re-visit the forum tomorrow and re-read through - again thank you for your help and prompt replies - much appreciated :yawn::okay:


    • #92
      Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

      Originally posted by ditzee View Post
      Thanks again Nem - if I can get scanned documents to work I will post! I would have thought that if they had notice of assignment it would have been produced by now and the bank statement does not look too convincing. I shall sleep on it tonight and re-visit the forum tomorrow and re-read through - again thank you for your help and prompt replies - much appreciated :yawn::okay:
      I wouldn't be convinced by statements!

      Catch up tomorrow!


      Have a good evening


      • #93
        Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

        Originally posted by ditzee View Post
        Are the court likely to accept photocopies of a bank statement as enough evidence to proceed with a ccj in the Legal Beagles opinion?
        Originally posted by ditzee View Post
        Thanks again Nem - if I can get scanned documents to work I will post! I would have thought that if they had notice of assignment it would have been produced by now and the bank statement does not look too convincing. I shall sleep on it tonight and re-visit the forum tomorrow and re-read through - again thank you for your help and prompt replies - much appreciated :yawn::okay:
        As I posted earlier, I misunderstood when you posted about last payments and statements, I thought you were referring to your own records rather than anything supplied by them. I suggested sending a SAR if you want to get your own copies of statements. It takes time but so does the court process. The burden of proof is on the claimant but it could be useful to have your own records to either confirm or disprove what they are saying and it could help you make an informed decision. :decision:
        Originally posted by ditzee View Post
        Is it worth my negotiating with bwlegal or direct with Lowell and proposing £1 per month and if so how do I go about this or do you think if the court side in favour of the claimant they are more likely to be reasonable about sensible monthly re-payments given my situation? I have never acknowledged this debt but am I right in saying that the SB clock has been reset anyway so liasing with bwlegal will not be detrimental to my case?:help:
        You are right in saying that the clock was reset at the time a claim was issued, if the debt was already SBd you have an absolute defence, if not then you may want to look at the alternatives. :thumb:


        • #94
          Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

          Originally posted by Berniethebolt View Post
          I am really sorry that this has happened , I did not want to get into an argument with anyone so I have pm'd my comments to nemesis45. I just felt that there had been a mix up which can happen on a forum. I do not know what Flaming Parrot thinks but I know you have no money and survive on benefits but in order to avoid the CCJ maybe you would want to think about a Tomlin order or even just negotiate a repayment plan with Lowells . I hate saying that but I am I think being practical.
          A Tomlin order is useful to avoid a CCJ but you'd be expected to be in a position to repay the debt in monthly instalments and the monthly offer should be affordable in the long term because if you fail to make payments they can apply to lift the stay and request summary judgment. :scared: So instead of having a CCJ now you' have one a few years down the line.

          An offer of £1/month may not be acceptable for a Tomlin order but it would have to do for a judgment if you can show that's all you can afford.
          Originally posted by Berniethebolt View Post
          Current accounts are very difficult things. Of course if you continue with the defence, which is perfectly possible but will need some changes in your witness statement -that can be spun to make it look like BW were at fault for not supplying the documents anything is possible. With the mortgage shortfall however I would be seriously considering investigating funding for BR . Turn2us provide some good info as do some of the debt charities

          I posted up some useful links here: http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...129#post556129

          TBH if BR is being considered due to the need to deal with the shortfall, I hardly see much point in fighting or worrying about a CCJ as judgment debts can be included in the bankruptcy.
          Originally posted by Berniethebolt View Post
          You are not the first and won't be the last to not be sure what a debt is for , particularly if you are suffering with depression/anxiety and god knows what else
          Even if you don't suffer from anything, the particulars of the claim are rather vague and not good enough to establish what the debt is, particularly if you have various debts and they date back a few years. I see no harm in having sent the s.78 request or asking for a copy of the default notice since the particulars did not say this was a current account overdraft.


          • #95
            Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

            Hi FlamingParrot and Nem

            I have decided to continue fighting this claim after sleeping on it and feel empowered by your help here on Legal Beagles! I think I will go ahead with a Subject Access Request - can you please confirm if their is template for this request here and to whom exactly I write to seeing as though it was Halifax and subsequently HBOS?
            With regards to the option of bankruptcy, it has been a struggle to keep up to date with my current bank account and pay all my utilities bills on time and not to have fallen into debt with these since losing my job and falling ill and I would not want to go through the process of having my bank account frozen and getting into arrears with my utility providers and landlord and I do not have the funds to go down this path regardless!! Surely the DCA's are aware that I have no assets and no job yet seem relentless in pursuing this debt?
            Is there anyway I can firmly establish whether this debt is statute barred or could this information be gleaned from the result of the SAR?


            • #96
              Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

              Hi Ditzee
              I can not see anyway that this account would be statute barred

              Here is a template for a SAR

              I can appreciate that BR still holds a certain stigma and the thing to do is take all your money out of the bank before you go to court (what little you get on ESA) . have you thought about applying for PIP. Can I ask what group are you in , WRAG or support?
              If you have arrears on utility bills these can be included in BR so it really is like a fresh start. I remember how hard it is to live on benefits particularly since the coalition have cut their value in real terms, added council tax to your outgoings and made it harder to get other benefits. Unfortunately D-Ream were wrong, things can and will get worse .

              There are however ways forward as I think I suggested, the vagueness of the POC , lowells not telling you it was a current account , frankly use your mental health issues if it helps to show you are vulnerable but I will leave the real advice in the capable hands of Flaming Parrot who knows a thing or 10 about such things.


              • #97
                Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

                HI Berniethebolt

                If I was to take out what little funds I have in my bank account to put aside to pay for my bills surely the Official Receiver would be looking at all my financial papers including bank statements and I would be penalised for this as I was led to believe that look at the last 2 years worth of accounts? I have managed my monies to the best of my ability and have no arrears on any of my utility bills as I am scared to death of getting into debt again. I am in the Support group of ESA but understand trying to claim PIP these days is extremely difficult.

                I did quote the POC word for word on the forum and does appear the wording was vague and or inaccurate and it was never made clear by the DCA or solicitors what the outstanding debt referred to and I do not re-collect ever receiving a notice of assignment. I am still confused as to the statute barred element - some advice states there is a small chance it could be but it is looking more and more likely that last payment in May 2009 and summons in June 2015 means they may have re-started the SB clock in the nick of time by a couple of months or so?

                - - - Updated - - -

                By the way when it comes to providing paperwork for court will they need copies of 2 years of my bank statements at some point or do you simply provide them with a form outlining your income and outgoing bills?


                • #98
                  Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

                  Originally posted by ditzee View Post
                  Hi FlamingParrot and Nem

                  I have decided to continue fighting this claim after sleeping on it and feel empowered by your help here on Legal Beagles! I think I will go ahead with a Subject Access Request - can you please confirm if their is template for this request here and to whom exactly I write to seeing as though it was Halifax and subsequently HBOS?
                  With regards to the option of bankruptcy, it has been a struggle to keep up to date with my current bank account and pay all my utilities bills on time and not to have fallen into debt with these since losing my job and falling ill and I would not want to go through the process of having my bank account frozen and getting into arrears with my utility providers and landlord and I do not have the funds to go down this path regardless!! Surely the DCA's are aware that I have no assets and no job yet seem relentless in pursuing this debt?
                  Is there anyway I can firmly establish whether this debt is statute barred or could this information be gleaned from the result of the SAR?
                  You'll find a SAR letter I've used here: http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...ter#post567824. SARS are addressed to the data controller. That letter is more specific to ask for financial information from banks. :thumb:
                  Last edited by FlamingParrot; 22nd August 2015, 20:30:PM. Reason: Fixed emoticon and quote


                  • #99
                    Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

                    Thanks FlamingParrot - do you know if the correct address would be the Trinity Road Halifax for the data controller?


                    • Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

                      Originally posted by ditzee View Post
                      HI Berniethebolt

                      If I was to take out what little funds I have in my bank account to put aside to pay for my bills surely the Official Receiver would be looking at all my financial papers including bank statements and I would be penalised for this as I was led to believe that look at the last 2 years worth of accounts? I have managed my monies to the best of my ability and have no arrears on any of my utility bills as I am scared to death of getting into debt again. I am in the Support group of ESA but understand trying to claim PIP these days is extremely difficult.

                      I did quote the POC word for word on the forum and does appear the wording was vague and or inaccurate and it was never made clear by the DCA or solicitors what the outstanding debt referred to and I do not re-collect ever receiving a notice of assignment. I am still confused as to the statute barred element - some advice states there is a small chance it could be but it is looking more and more likely that last payment in May 2009 and summons in June 2015 means they may have re-started the SB clock in the nick of time by a couple of months or so?

                      - - - Updated - - -

                      By the way when it comes to providing paperwork for court will they need copies of 2 years of my bank statements at some point or do you simply provide them with a form outlining your income and outgoing bills?
                      I would no recommend taking anything said about BR here seriously, any attempt to mislead/lie to the Official Receiver and land one in deep trouble.

                      Just to reiterate what was said by FP and myself there is no harm in making a CCA request to see what Lowell comes up, it is when all said and done mentioned in the particulars of claim.



                      • Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

                        Clearly I am not talking about taking out huge sums of money as I know you don't have them, just what is needed to cover your immediate bills. When I was on ESA probably the most money I had in my account at any one time was £350 and that was when my housing benefit had gone in but before I paid it to the LL. If I had withdrawn that and told the O.R. it was for rent they would have been fine, they do not want you homeless. Occasionally they may impose a sanction but that is usually something like not discharging you from BR for maybe 2 years. Normally it is 6 months to a year.

                        Nem is just being Nem and trying to score points.

                        If you seriously want to look at BR you need to get some advice from people who have done it and I am sure there are some about, naturally as well I am not saying you must do it or even should, just don't discount it.

                        Yes P.I.P. is hard to get but there are some brilliant forums out there that can help and the fact you are in the support group suggest you have more long term needs. What I would do is have a look at the criteria and see what you would score yourself, if you feel you qualify then go for it. Do you have a support worker or supportive GP. The Gov want everyone to think that PIP is hard to get so they won't claimn it.

                        SB on current accounts is even more complicated than it is on other debts . before the 'clock' starts the bank have to make a formal demand and terminate your account. After that any payment or written acknowledgement will start it again. As an example I had an account and it took over 6 months before they closed the account and made a formal demand, I can go through all the paperwork and check exactly if you want. Sadly I do not think there is a hope in hell of it being SB although as I said there are other irregularities .

                        All I wish you is good luck


                        • Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

                          Originally posted by Berniethebolt View Post
                          Clearly I am not talking about taking out huge sums of money as I know you don't have them, just what is needed to cover your immediate bills. When I was on ESA probably the most money I had in my account at any one time was £350 and that was when my housing benefit had gone in but before I paid it to the LL. If I had withdrawn that and told the O.R. it was for rent they would have been fine, they do not want you homeless. Occasionally they may impose a sanction but that is usually something like not discharging you from BR for maybe 2 years. Normally it is 6 months to a year.

                          Nem is just being Nem and trying to score points.

                          If you seriously want to look at BR you need to get some advice from people who have done it and I am sure there are some about, naturally as well I am not saying you must do it or even should, just don't discount it.

                          Yes P.I.P. is hard to get but there are some brilliant forums out there that can help and the fact you are in the support group suggest you have more long term needs. What I would do is have a look at the criteria and see what you would score yourself, if you feel you qualify then go for it. Do you have a support worker or supportive GP. The Gov want everyone to think that PIP is hard to get so they won't claimn it.

                          SB on current accounts is even more complicated than it is on other debts . before the 'clock' starts the bank have to make a formal demand and terminate your account. After that any payment or written acknowledgement will start it again. As an example I had an account and it took over 6 months before they closed the account and made a formal demand, I can go through all the paperwork and check exactly if you want. Sadly I do not think there is a hope in hell of it being SB although as I said there are other irregularities .

                          All I wish you is good luck
                          Make a considered and relevant comment on dangerous advice luckily it seems Ditzee is wise to your bad avdvice.
                          I have no need to " score" points about anything unlike you.



                          • Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

                            Hi Nem - going to put together a SAR letter for Halifax - could you please confirm if I should be writing to the data controller at Trinity Road, Halifax - want to make sure it gets to the right person at right address and not get lost in the "system"? At this point in time I am not considering the BR option but am focussing on this particular debt. If it's ok I will post the drafted letter before sending by recorded delivery to the Halifax. By the way my scanner is working but I am unable to edit the documents so unless I can e-mail the bank statement privately for someone to look at I will have to leave it :typing:


                            • Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

                              Originally posted by ditzee View Post
                              By the way my scanner is working but I am unable to edit the documents so unless I can e-mail the bank statement privately for someone to look at I will have to leave it :typing:
                              You could email it to me and I'll redact it then post it up? (kati@legalbeagles.info) K xx
                              Last edited by Kati; 23rd August 2015, 07:09:AM.
                              Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

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                              • Re: Urgent Advice Please BW Legal - Lowell & County Court Claim

                                Originally posted by ditzee View Post
                                Hi Nem - going to put together a SAR letter for Halifax - could you please confirm if I should be writing to the data controller at Trinity Road, Halifax - want to make sure it gets to the right person at right address and not get lost in the "system"?
                                The ICO has a registry of data controllers, on it HBOS plc (the bank) shows up with the address below: https://ico.org.uk/ESDWebPages/DoSearch?reg=513511
                                The Mound
                                EH1 1YZ
                                The Trinity Road address shows up as belonging to the fund management division of HBOS: https://ico.org.uk/ESDWebPages/DoSearch?reg=256858
                                Originally posted by ditzee View Post
                                At this point in time I am not considering the BR option but am focussing on this particular debt.
                                BR is a big step and one where you need to look at everything before making a decision, so if you decided to consider it at some point, it would be best to start a fresh new thread. :typing:
                                Originally posted by ditzee View Post
                                If it's ok I will post the drafted letter before sending by recorded delivery to the Halifax. By the way my scanner is working but I am unable to edit the documents so unless I can e-mail the bank statement privately for someone to look at I will have to leave it :typing:
                                Yes of course. :thumb:


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