Hi, I'm new and would really appreciate some advice. Yesterday I received a judgment in default and was confused as I had not received a claim prior to this. Today I received some correspondence from the court which made sense. Basically I received a claim from capquest for a Next Directory account about 18 months ago and filed an acknowledgement which is recorded at Money claim online (i just checked as still have the old claim number etc) and advised that I intended to.defend the claim. I the heard from cap quest saying they would agree to a monthly payment on £50 and would not proceed with the claim. I agreed and returned a direct debit that they sent me. Evidently they died get it sent me another and I sent that back too. This happened a third time. I kept checking to see if the dd had been set up on my account. It wasn't but I didn't hear from them and eventually forgot all.about it. So anyway today I got a copy of their application to the court dated 15 July 2014 stating that I never acknowledged the claim (untrue) and that despite making an arrangement to.pay, I didn't and they were therefore applying to lift the stay. My questions are
1. Should I have received a copy of this application? It was issued in July and the first I heard was getting the judgement yesterday.
2. Can I apply to have the judgement set aside as they have lied in their statement?? I did acknowledge the claim and it is not my fault that they lost three direct debit mandates...
The debt is for £364 (Inc. Costs)
Many thanks in advance
1. Should I have received a copy of this application? It was issued in July and the first I heard was getting the judgement yesterday.
2. Can I apply to have the judgement set aside as they have lied in their statement?? I did acknowledge the claim and it is not my fault that they lost three direct debit mandates...
The debt is for £364 (Inc. Costs)
Many thanks in advance