Hi all,
On the 21st of March I received a claim for from Northampton bulk centre. The amount claimed is just shy of £1400. The Solicitor is representing Lowells, who bought the debt from Lloyds TSB in 2009. I have acknowledged service on 21/03/14 but not yet submitted a defence.
I ceased banking with Lloyds in 2006 and tho I have no statements to back this up, at that point I was not indebted to Lloyds. I held a current account with an interest free overdraft, with a £300 limit. In order to take out the interest free overdraft I was sold an insurance package, tho I do not recall what it was for, possibly mobile insurance and dental/healthcare.
Since 2006 it seems Lloyds have been charging me a monthly fee, they have increased the overdraft from £300 to the amount to >£1300 to pay for this fee without informing me. Then in 2009 they decided that the £1000 increase to my £300 limit overdraft was enough and sold the debt to Lowells.
I have asked, in writing, for deed /notice of assignment and copy of credit agreement from Lowells and Bryan Carter Solicitors. I have had a written response from both:
Lowells say,that they sent notice of assignment 30/07/13 (I have yet to receive it). They advice that they are under no obligation to provide full accounting, they then go on to say that the account is currently being handled by Fredriksons and all future correspondence should be directed to them in the first instance.
(So why is Bryan carter Solicitors claiming on Lowells behalf as stated on the claim form)??
Bryan Carter, also states that I have been sent Notice of assignment however they claim this was 24/06/13???
They then say: It is the policy of the original creditors to provide agreements at the point of contract and statements throughout the duration of the account; consequently, you have previously been provided with validation of the debt. If you require copies of these documents you may apply to our client at the address below: Lowell Portfolio Ltd, Po box 172...
The reposes from both parties do not include any of the information I have requested,
Lowells are listed as the claimant on the claim form but are sending me on a run around insisting that I must now correspond with Fredriksons (I phoned Fred's and they said "You have to request from Bryan Carter") Bryan Carter put in writing that I must contact Lowells
I signed the acknowledgment 8 days ago so I'm running out of time to file a defence, yet the only information I have been given is that I owe £1300. The three parties involved are sending me back and forth, Im sure they have an obligation to either supply the information or pass the request on to the appropriate party?
So what's next? Do I apply to the court for extra time to submit a defence? Or do I file a defence that the case be thrown out for either deliberate or incompetent withholding of the information I have requested?
I must admit I'm starting to feel rather lost
On the 21st of March I received a claim for from Northampton bulk centre. The amount claimed is just shy of £1400. The Solicitor is representing Lowells, who bought the debt from Lloyds TSB in 2009. I have acknowledged service on 21/03/14 but not yet submitted a defence.
I ceased banking with Lloyds in 2006 and tho I have no statements to back this up, at that point I was not indebted to Lloyds. I held a current account with an interest free overdraft, with a £300 limit. In order to take out the interest free overdraft I was sold an insurance package, tho I do not recall what it was for, possibly mobile insurance and dental/healthcare.
Since 2006 it seems Lloyds have been charging me a monthly fee, they have increased the overdraft from £300 to the amount to >£1300 to pay for this fee without informing me. Then in 2009 they decided that the £1000 increase to my £300 limit overdraft was enough and sold the debt to Lowells.
I have asked, in writing, for deed /notice of assignment and copy of credit agreement from Lowells and Bryan Carter Solicitors. I have had a written response from both:
Lowells say,that they sent notice of assignment 30/07/13 (I have yet to receive it). They advice that they are under no obligation to provide full accounting, they then go on to say that the account is currently being handled by Fredriksons and all future correspondence should be directed to them in the first instance.
(So why is Bryan carter Solicitors claiming on Lowells behalf as stated on the claim form)??
Bryan Carter, also states that I have been sent Notice of assignment however they claim this was 24/06/13???
They then say: It is the policy of the original creditors to provide agreements at the point of contract and statements throughout the duration of the account; consequently, you have previously been provided with validation of the debt. If you require copies of these documents you may apply to our client at the address below: Lowell Portfolio Ltd, Po box 172...
The reposes from both parties do not include any of the information I have requested,
Lowells are listed as the claimant on the claim form but are sending me on a run around insisting that I must now correspond with Fredriksons (I phoned Fred's and they said "You have to request from Bryan Carter") Bryan Carter put in writing that I must contact Lowells
I signed the acknowledgment 8 days ago so I'm running out of time to file a defence, yet the only information I have been given is that I owe £1300. The three parties involved are sending me back and forth, Im sure they have an obligation to either supply the information or pass the request on to the appropriate party?
So what's next? Do I apply to the court for extra time to submit a defence? Or do I file a defence that the case be thrown out for either deliberate or incompetent withholding of the information I have requested?
I must admit I'm starting to feel rather lost