Hi guys, hope you can help me as I'm trying to assist my Cousin who is in financial difficulties and need someone here with on the legal front who can help me knock up a quick Embarrassed Defence.
Please see the link below, these guys have been helpful but don't seem to be able to assist on the legal side.
She certainly doesn't want to let BOS get a judgment by default as it appears the CCA doesn't have the prescribed T&C attached and seems unenforecable and she wants to defend this CC summons. (see attached copy of CCA sent by BOS with personal data blanked out)
They also sent some pages of printed T&C's which appear dated much later 2008 and certainly don't look like they were from the original CCA?
ISSUE DATE 23. 11. 2010
DAY OF SERVICE 28.11.2010
A CPR request was sent but no response with info requested to date.
There is a default showing on her credit file which is 3 years old, she was paying a normal amount of £5 month but simply couldn't afford to keep up the payments, she sent off a CCA some months ago and they sent back the attached and said in their letter they had complied with section 60/61 and that the CCA is enforceable and they will continue to treat it as such and will not be entering into any further correspondence regarding the requirements relating to the provision of copy agreement.
She has not had any sight previously of a default notice
So if anyone of you legal guys is around that can help here I would be very appreciative as the Court says you can e-mail (they confirmed the e-mail address to send the defence too)your defence by 26 .12.2010 latest which is a holiday so not sure if it can be e-mailed any day from now until 26 inclusive bearing in holiday dates etc. I asume the e-mail can be sent right up to the 26th?
Just need someone who can provide a simply holding defence
Please see the link below, these guys have been helpful but don't seem to be able to assist on the legal side.
She certainly doesn't want to let BOS get a judgment by default as it appears the CCA doesn't have the prescribed T&C attached and seems unenforecable and she wants to defend this CC summons. (see attached copy of CCA sent by BOS with personal data blanked out)
They also sent some pages of printed T&C's which appear dated much later 2008 and certainly don't look like they were from the original CCA?
ISSUE DATE 23. 11. 2010
DAY OF SERVICE 28.11.2010
A CPR request was sent but no response with info requested to date.
There is a default showing on her credit file which is 3 years old, she was paying a normal amount of £5 month but simply couldn't afford to keep up the payments, she sent off a CCA some months ago and they sent back the attached and said in their letter they had complied with section 60/61 and that the CCA is enforceable and they will continue to treat it as such and will not be entering into any further correspondence regarding the requirements relating to the provision of copy agreement.
She has not had any sight previously of a default notice
So if anyone of you legal guys is around that can help here I would be very appreciative as the Court says you can e-mail (they confirmed the e-mail address to send the defence too)your defence by 26 .12.2010 latest which is a holiday so not sure if it can be e-mailed any day from now until 26 inclusive bearing in holiday dates etc. I asume the e-mail can be sent right up to the 26th?
Just need someone who can provide a simply holding defence