Good day to you all. I need some advice on my next course of action, please. I'm helping someone with their situation and the events thus far are as follows; Lowell portfolio applied for a CCJ against them claiming that they had bought a Capital One debt which was owed. My friend doesn't recall it but does have some mental health issues. Using this sites templates, I sent a CCA request to Lowell portfolio with the £1 postal order and a CPR request to lowell solicitors. They replied with a copy of the notice of assignment but said that they didn't have the original CCA and had requested it fro Capital One. I filed a defence using the template with the court before the deadline and received a letter from the court acknowledging it and informing us that Lowell had been notified. Today, Lowell have sent a letter with a copy of a "directions questionairre", which has been filled in by Lowell. The letter states that we should be receiving a questionnaire from the court soon. Lowell have said that they agree to mediation. We still haven't received a copy of the CCA and our defence stated such and requested that the claim be struck out. Could anyone please shed some light onto why the court might not have ordered Lowell to provide the documentation as I'm confused!