Hi, I have a debt with Lloyds credit card from almost 20 years ago which was taken on by Restons and threatened court action, (This was over a year ago)Not knowing that the debt was Statute Barred or even what this meant i contacted them and via the court settled on a payment of 50 pounds a month, i realize there is nothing i can do now as in replying i have admitted the debt 14k. Retons have contacted me again asking for a new financial statement probably with the view to increasing my payments? Restons state if i do not respond with my new financial statement they will cancel my payment agreement with them and commence further action to recover the debt ie Bailiff removal of goods etc. I have been paying Restons for over a year and have never missed a payment or been late with a payment. What can i do? is there any way out of the debt (too late probably) do i have to do a new financial statement? can they take further action as there has been no default on the agreement? I would be very grateful of any advice someone could give me on this issue.
Thank you
Thank you