My situation is that I have considerable credit card debts. I approached the creditors and they stopped adding interest and I have been making nominal payments. I am an a very low income due to having to give up a previously well paid career due to ongoing health issues.
My creditors have been accepting nominal payments, in some cases they have acknowledged this is me keeping up an agreed payment plan, in other cases they have simply continued to accept it is all I can afford irrelevant. For no apparent reason this ARROW GLOBAL have decided to take me to court. I have no idea if they legitimately own the debt I have been paying the original creditor.
I do not want bailiffs at my home, my life is hard enough. My medical condition is aggrevated by stress, so this is causing me physical pain. Any assistance is most welcome. I'm sorry I did not post earlier, I have been following advice from here, but the timescale is now very tight I think.
I received a Claim Form from SHOOSMITHS on behalf of ARROW GLOBAL LIMITED dated 21st November 2018 for the sum of £8937.24 plus Court fee £410 plus Legal representative costs £100 total £9447.24.
Claim as served via County Court in Nothampton.
Particulars of claim:
1. The claimant's claim is for the sum of £8937.24 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and MBNA Europe Bank Limited (No. ################) and assigned to the claimant on 30/07/2010, notice of which has been provided to the defendant.
2. The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice ha been served puruant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
3. The claimant claims the sum of £8937.24.
ARROW GLOBAL sent me a letter dated 26th November showing nominal £1 monthly payments received from me to MBNA which I have been making each month. They show an opening balance and then monthly payments starting a period June to October and ending with l balance of £8938.24 (note a further £1 payment was made on 1st November and 1st December).
I used the Money Claim Online to submit an acknowledgement of service on 30/11/2018.
I sent a CCA request to ARROW GLOBAL LIMITED on 30th November.
I sent a CPR 31.14 request and a copy of the CCA letter to SHOOSMITHS on 30th November.
ARROW GLOBAL acknowledged the CCA request (their letter dated 10th December), they said they do not accept that they are the creditor as envisaged by the above statue. However, we are willing to assist in obtainin that which has been requested. They said they will now process my request for documentation from the creditor and will revert in due course. They said "We confirm that all collection activity will be suspended pending provision of the document".
SHOOSMITHS responded saying "we have been made aware by our client that a CCA request has been requested. Due to this request, the account ha been placed on a 30 day hold whilst our client deal with your CCA request. The County Court Claim which has been issued against yourself will continue. However, no enforcement action will be taken until he (misspelling) CCA request has been completed."
Defense is due to be filed by my calculation on Monday 24th (this Monday).
My creditors have been accepting nominal payments, in some cases they have acknowledged this is me keeping up an agreed payment plan, in other cases they have simply continued to accept it is all I can afford irrelevant. For no apparent reason this ARROW GLOBAL have decided to take me to court. I have no idea if they legitimately own the debt I have been paying the original creditor.
I do not want bailiffs at my home, my life is hard enough. My medical condition is aggrevated by stress, so this is causing me physical pain. Any assistance is most welcome. I'm sorry I did not post earlier, I have been following advice from here, but the timescale is now very tight I think.
I received a Claim Form from SHOOSMITHS on behalf of ARROW GLOBAL LIMITED dated 21st November 2018 for the sum of £8937.24 plus Court fee £410 plus Legal representative costs £100 total £9447.24.
Claim as served via County Court in Nothampton.
Particulars of claim:
1. The claimant's claim is for the sum of £8937.24 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and MBNA Europe Bank Limited (No. ################) and assigned to the claimant on 30/07/2010, notice of which has been provided to the defendant.
2. The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice ha been served puruant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
3. The claimant claims the sum of £8937.24.
ARROW GLOBAL sent me a letter dated 26th November showing nominal £1 monthly payments received from me to MBNA which I have been making each month. They show an opening balance and then monthly payments starting a period June to October and ending with l balance of £8938.24 (note a further £1 payment was made on 1st November and 1st December).
I used the Money Claim Online to submit an acknowledgement of service on 30/11/2018.
I sent a CCA request to ARROW GLOBAL LIMITED on 30th November.
I sent a CPR 31.14 request and a copy of the CCA letter to SHOOSMITHS on 30th November.
ARROW GLOBAL acknowledged the CCA request (their letter dated 10th December), they said they do not accept that they are the creditor as envisaged by the above statue. However, we are willing to assist in obtainin that which has been requested. They said they will now process my request for documentation from the creditor and will revert in due course. They said "We confirm that all collection activity will be suspended pending provision of the document".
SHOOSMITHS responded saying "we have been made aware by our client that a CCA request has been requested. Due to this request, the account ha been placed on a 30 day hold whilst our client deal with your CCA request. The County Court Claim which has been issued against yourself will continue. However, no enforcement action will be taken until he (misspelling) CCA request has been completed."
Defense is due to be filed by my calculation on Monday 24th (this Monday).