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Loss prevention

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  • Loss prevention

    I have a question about loss prevention, I have a fine for theft from a primark store in the UK where I was caught stealing but the police were not called, they just fined me 249 pounds which I paid and they told me that now You don't have anyone's name, my question is, will my name appear in the system because I have applied for a visa renewal?
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  • #2
    The best


    • #3

      The answer to your question is "no"

      Pity you chose to pay ... if you had ignored they would eventually have given up
      It was not a "fine" bur a speculative invoice


      • #4
        no it wont show

        dont know why you paid the scammers £250 but oh well


        • #5
          Because I was at fault, even now I will apply for settlement in the UK, for fear that they will spoil my work with documents


          • #6
            It is OK Ronironi
            You might have tried shoplifting, but that does not give Primark or anyone else to give out their version of punishment.
            They cannot fine you (only the courts in UK issue fines).
            What they issue are only speculative invoices for dreamt up losses.
            They think of themselves as judge, jury and executioner ... vigilantes masquerading under a veneer of righteousness

            Retail Loss Prevention companies are adept at sending letters which are full of threats.
            If you are not conversant with uk law it is quite likely you will be concerned by their legal sounding threats , and pay their demands to avoid problems later on.
            In fact there will be no adverse effects by ignoring their letters, but that is not realised by the recipients of their demands


            • #7
              I don't know the English language, I don't know the laws, that's why I also paid them, my problem is that I will apply for settlement and I hope not to have my name on the black list


              • #8
                no there wont be a blacklist that you're added to.

                all you did was. pay an invoice you didn't need to. consider it done.


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