Claimant issued a claim via MCOL
Defendant – a local authority, did not, in fact, file either a defence or an Acknowledgement of Service and a judgment issued on xxth October 2023, whereby the Local Authority was Ordered to pay £x,xxx.xx forthwith.
It chose not to pay that sum forthwith, which resulted in an application to the High Court to enforce payment which was made on xxth November 2023 for a writ of control.
The Local Authority has today sent an email saying that it is sending a cheque for the Judgment amount only “"settling the matters you raised in that claim".”
Obviously, in addition to post judgment interest at 8% p.a [Judgments Debts
(Rate of Interest) Order 1993], the claimant has retained bailiffs to apply for a High Court writ of control.
The question is: What is the claimant to do with this cheque?
a) Send it back to the defendant, with a letter saying something like – "This is not the amount you now owe".
b) Write to the defendant saying something along the lines of “"I will bank this cheques, provided you give a written undertaking that it is to be regarded as a partial payment only”."
The problem is that the bailiff costs are unknown yet & the claimant is concerned that the bailiffs might make the claimant liable for its fees.
What to do?
Defendant – a local authority, did not, in fact, file either a defence or an Acknowledgement of Service and a judgment issued on xxth October 2023, whereby the Local Authority was Ordered to pay £x,xxx.xx forthwith.
It chose not to pay that sum forthwith, which resulted in an application to the High Court to enforce payment which was made on xxth November 2023 for a writ of control.
The Local Authority has today sent an email saying that it is sending a cheque for the Judgment amount only “"settling the matters you raised in that claim".”
Obviously, in addition to post judgment interest at 8% p.a [Judgments Debts
(Rate of Interest) Order 1993], the claimant has retained bailiffs to apply for a High Court writ of control.
The question is: What is the claimant to do with this cheque?
a) Send it back to the defendant, with a letter saying something like – "This is not the amount you now owe".
b) Write to the defendant saying something along the lines of “"I will bank this cheques, provided you give a written undertaking that it is to be regarded as a partial payment only”."
The problem is that the bailiff costs are unknown yet & the claimant is concerned that the bailiffs might make the claimant liable for its fees.
What to do?