Originally posted by R0b
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-would the defence include the request for costs to be claimed?
Yes, you can include a paragraph at end stating that you have had to make the application to set aside upon discovery of the CCJ and that you wish the court to order that the Claimant pay that court filing fee.
-do I have to send the defence before this weeks hearing on Wednesday
No, the defence has to be submitted within 30 days of the court agreeing to the consent order agreeing set aside. Personally, I'd get on to it asap. Wednesdays hearing has been 'vacated' and is no longer a factor in any of this.
-can the defence be sent to the court email address or it needs to go elsewhere Yes, the defence can be sent to the court by email, also to the Claimant but probably best to also send a hard copy with proof of postage to them also.