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After Part 8 hearings

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  • GamTales
    started a topic After Part 8 hearings

    After Part 8 hearings

    I am the claimant of the case and I represent myself. It’s been a month since the part 8 hearing. I still haven’t heard from the court. During the hearing, the judge asked me to prepare a document in 28 days and said it would be allocated to small claims. I think I should wait for the court letters before submitting new documents. But I haven’t received any. I asked the court through email about the updates but no one replied to me. I don’t know what I should do now.
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  • atticus
    I think this means that it is now a Part 7 claim. You should comply (subject to the timing point) with all the directions contained in the court order.

    Read the guide for lips - link in my signature.

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  • GamTales
    Originally posted by atticus View Post
    If you question the authenticity of a disclosed document you must do so by notice complying with CPR 32.19: https://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/pr...s/part32#32.19
    Thank you. Unfortunately , 7 days has passed.

    The order said, " The claim shall continue as if part 8 proceeding had not been issued."
    Would you please advise what does this mean?

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  • atticus
    If you question the authenticity of a disclosed document you must do so by notice complying with CPR 32.19: https://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/pr...s/part32#32.19

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  • GamTales
    Thank you for replying.

    Sorry for the typos. I don’t mean to be rude but I was in a hurry to prepare those documents. Finally, I filed those things around 4 pm.

    I am wondering if I should find a solicitor representing me and wonder if it would be better.

    I doubt the invoice submitted by the defendant is fake. I can’t find that company registration number and there’s no business address. Please advise.

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  • atticus
    This kind of ridiculousness is becoming par for the course. File those things asap, with a letter firmly making the point about when you received the order.

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  • GamTales
    The hearing was held on 11 sep 2023. Court cannot find the claim form and attachment

    Today I received the letter from the court by second class mail dated 4 Oct 2023 by second class.

    The order by the court is dated 11 September 2023. And the order made us deliver further documents or witness statements by 4pm today at 4pm.

    Please advise.

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  • GamTales
    Originally posted by atticus View Post
    What do you expect from an organisation funded by this government? Efficiency?

    Apart from that, if you are clear what you were to file and serve within 28 days, do it.

    As to strike out, if the order stipulated that if you did not file the document within 28 days your case would be struck out, then don't fanny around. If there has been no mention of strike out so far, then I would expect you to be given notice.

    Thank you for replying to me. I don’t expect efficiency but I worried that I may have missed something important. The defendant tried to strike out my case.

    The judge verbally asked me to submit a document within 28 days during the hearing. But I wonder if I should wait for a written document from the court to confirm what the judge wants me to do (actually) and file it with directions questionnaires after I receive it from the court.

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  • atticus
    What do you expect from an organisation funded by this government? Efficiency?

    Apart from that, if you are clear what you were to file and serve within 28 days, do it.

    As to strike out, if the order stipulated that if you did not file the document within 28 days your case would be struck out, then don't fanny around. If there has been no mention of strike out so far, then I would expect you to be given notice.

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  • GamTales
    Originally posted by R0b View Post
    Call the court, much faster and you will get an answer straight away.
    Thank you. If my case is struck out or dismissed, would I get any notice?

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  • R0b
    Call the court, much faster and you will get an answer straight away.

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