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Who owns the CPS decision documentation, the CPS or the Police?

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  • Who owns the CPS decision documentation, the CPS or the Police?

    Hi All

    I wonder if someone can explain to me who owns the CPS charge decision making documentation. Does it belong to them or the police. That is if the police send a file to the CPS for a review and the CPS make a charge decision then send it to the police, do the CPS own the copy of the documentation sent to the police or does it become the property of the police. I was thinking that, as the police have requested the decision from the CPS then the decision belongs to the police, just like a private client asking a solicitor for advice.

    I asked the CPS this 6 months ago, they acknowledge my request but failed to answer.

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  • #2
    One would wonder why you need to know? Are you trying to recover some documents?


    • #3
      Yes I am seeking a Third Party Disclosure Order from the police and if they own the CPS decision documents sent to them, then I shall specifically ask for that to be included. Otherwise I shall have to try to get a disclosure order against the CPS which means more work and costs.


      • #4
        Isn't the question whether the documents are in their possession custody or power, and not of ownership?
        Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

        Litigants in Person should download and read this: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


        • #5
          Originally posted by atticus View Post
          Isn't the question whether the documents are in their possession custody or power, and not of ownership?
          Ha that is an "I owe you a beer answer." Thanks for such a intelligent point.


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