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Help with CCJ

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  • Help with CCJ

    Hello all,

    I received two CCJ’s within a month or so of each other to an old address. We are 4 years into these now and being quite bad with my finances when I was younger and not understanding how important my credit file was I didn’t check my score until probably around two years ago. Once I was aware of the CCJs I thought the best thing to do would be to pay these off then apply to get them set aside, even though they went to an incorrect address. I have downloaded the forms from the Gov website and I have found a guide on how to fill them in however I’m not sure where to send them or how much I need to send in order to get these looked at and hopefully removed. I am aware they will drop off in the next two years, but I would like to get them removed as I am now in a position to purchase my first house and would like to be able to do that this year as opposed to two years down the line.

    Any help anybody could offer would be appreciated! Thank you
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  • #2
    Thanks for your post. I am in the process of writing a book about how to remove a CCJ. There is a chapter about how to complete the N244 application when you're applying to set aside judgment. Would you mind if I sent you that chapter and that will give you the information you need? In return, I'd really appreciate your feedback on whether it's useful and how I can improve it.
    Since qualifying as a solicitor over 20 years ago, I have specialised in advising clients on navigating the court system.
    I have helped hundreds of people remove CCJ's from their credit file. I have learnt the relevant rules, the strategies for optimising the prospects of success and the pitfalls to avoid. I'm currently writing a book "How to Remove a CCJ"


    • #3
      Hi Andrew,

      If it includes information of how much money etc you need to send of course, that would be a great help thank you.


      • #4
        Please see the attached excerpts from the book I'm writing. I'm happy to provide these, which I think you will find helpful. As I say, I'd really appreciate any feedback you can give me. Are the chapters clear and easy to understand? Is there anything else you would find helpful?
        Attached Files
        Since qualifying as a solicitor over 20 years ago, I have specialised in advising clients on navigating the court system.
        I have helped hundreds of people remove CCJ's from their credit file. I have learnt the relevant rules, the strategies for optimising the prospects of success and the pitfalls to avoid. I'm currently writing a book "How to Remove a CCJ"


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