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Civil Enforcement Ltd Court Claim

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  • Civil Enforcement Ltd Court Claim


    Im new to all this but i received a court claim form on behalf of the claimant Civil Enforcement Ltd for a PCN and have filed my Acknowledgment of service via the online service this morning.

    Im looking at filing a defence against the claim as the information provided by CEL isn’t sufficient enough in my opinion. This was mainly because no photographic evidence of the vehicle has been provided. Because of this do I have a case here or am I being a bit naive?

    Tags: None

  • #2
    You are being naïve.

    SAR request to CEL for all the documents they hold
    CPR 31.14 request to the solicitor for all the documents they intend to use in court in order to narrow the issues between you.

    Templates in the Shortcuts panel on this page.

    Post up the PCN and details of the Particulars of Claim, suitably redacted


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply.

      I will use the template to send a SAR request to CEL to get a better idea of what they hold against me. Il drop the PCN details in here tomorrow morning.


      • #4
        Send the CPR request as well and demand copies of the signs that created the alleged contract


        • #5
          I have the CPR written out ready to print and send however no details of the claimants solicitors have been given on the claim form. Also the part where ut states ‘ahead of filing my defence on…..’ im not sure what date i would need to put on there


          • #6
            So forget about the date paragraph.

            Send to CEL, they are handling the case themselves


            • #7
              All done thanks again.

              Ive also seeked advice from Citizen’s advice on the matter who gave me two options.

              Seeking free legal representation if i get a court date or pay in protest and take them to small claims court to try and win it back.


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