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i need help

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  • #16
    So after all that did he confirm your right to go on their land?


    • #17
      Yes they did, But deeds are legal documents and by the time I pay their costs I will be penniless this case has been going on for 4 years of my life is in shreds the toll on my nervous system is not good , I just think things should not have come to this. I have not won this as there would not have been a winner ( its seems that you try to do things by the book 9the right way ) any way I am just broken now by the whole experience and have no faith is this country and the legal system any more. SORRY to all the people that HAVE READ what I have posted but I thought that someone might have been able to help me. THANK YOU. :-)


      • #18
        Please can someone help me I do not know what I can do now, I have a house in need of a lot of repair and no money to do it, I followed all the guide lines and due to court fees and paying all court costs i am penniless. life for me now does not seam worth living any more I just need some kind person to give me some sound advice


        • #19
          It's strange that your neighbors responded in English with ' IF you come on my land I will call the police', when the Judge said you should of given them more time because there was a language barrier. Did the Judge recommend the period of time they should have been given?


          • #20
            Originally posted by echat11 View Post
            It's strange that your neighbors responded in English with ' IF you come on my land I will call the police', when the Judge said you should of given them more time because there was a language barrier. Did the Judge recommend the period of time they should have been given?

            No not at all that is why i am confused my barrister did show that one of their witnesses was lying that was one of their family


            • #21
              this was a written reply which i produced in court


              • #22
                I'm not sure when your case concluded and if an Appeal would be in time, did the Barrister give you any guidance regarding your case and Appealing? -




                See if qualify for Legal Aid -



                • #23

                  Senior Member

                  Thank you very much for all the replays you sent me I WISH I had had you in court with me than the barrister that i gave all my savings to your advice was sound i just wish I had you by my side in the beginning I would love to see talk to you properly as i still need help but I do not want to make it public.
                  Kind Regards

                  DOWN Trodden


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