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How much notice for Magistrates Court?

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  • How much notice for Magistrates Court?

    I am expecting a Postal Requisition with offence details and date of first appearance in court (Magistrates)

    Any idea how far in the future my appearance date is likely to be?
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  • #2
    Everything is delayed. Very hard to say - some offences we are dealing with date back many months. My advice would be to consult a solicitor now and find out your options. You will be asked to plead on the day so need to know what you are doing.


    • #3
      Thanks - but my precise query is more about how far in advance the Postal Requisitions are being sent out.

      If lands on the mat on Tuesday, should I expect a court date 2 weeks hence, 2 months, 6?

      I know this is a how long is a piece of string question, just trying to get a feel...


      • #4
        Ah OK apologies. To be honest I don't know. I am sure you will get reasonable notice but the service is so stretched at the moment you may well not hear for a while.


        • #5
          No problem, thank you for taking the time to reply on a sunny Bank Holiday weekend


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