Dear jaguarsuk and other Beagles,
After the gauntlet, I am under Court Direction to File & Serve my Défense to Amended/Pleased Particular of Claim [PPOC] in three [3] days. I have the PPOC in Pdf format along with a cover letter from Lowell Solicitors on behalf of their client, Lowell Portfolio. I would appreciate your kind examination of the document and your advice on a possible defence of this claim BUT I do not know how to upload the docs privately. Please advise. Thank you. Q
After the gauntlet, I am under Court Direction to File & Serve my Défense to Amended/Pleased Particular of Claim [PPOC] in three [3] days. I have the PPOC in Pdf format along with a cover letter from Lowell Solicitors on behalf of their client, Lowell Portfolio. I would appreciate your kind examination of the document and your advice on a possible defence of this claim BUT I do not know how to upload the docs privately. Please advise. Thank you. Q