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Mortimer Clarke - Urgent please

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  • Mortimer Clarke - Urgent please


    We are in urgent need of assistance with dealing with an issue with Mortimer Clarke.
    We have had a letter regarding an old credit card debt, and they told us we obtained a CCJ in December 2019, which they have added a large amount of additional charges to the outstanding balance.
    We have a few days left to write to them and need advice.

    When I looked into my credit history from a trusted source there is no evidence of a CCJ and we also did not receive any claim form or paper work at the time.

    It is a complicated issue, as I have not been able to work since 2002 due to a progressive illness, the is when our troubles began. I am now registered disabled, still unfit to work, and have CHD and anxiety to add to the original illness.

    They gave us 21 days, but we revieved the letter a week after they dated it, leaving us till this coming Monday.

    Please can someone help me, would prefer a PM and someone who can really help fast.

    Thanks for your time.
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  • #2
    Solution by PM is discouraged, forums are all about sharing info and knowledge. If you want help fast then visit your local solicitor.

    A CCJ may not be listed on all credit reference agencies.

    So you contact them and ask for details of the alleged CCJ against you then contact the court for further details.

    From your descrition yYour debt appears that it might be statute barred


    • #3
      Hi, thanks and apologies for asking for PM, but with such short time I want to find the right help. Have looked for help today locally but it seems a mine field and am going round in circles, hence I came here.

      Regarding the CCJ, I went to trustonline and paid for a search but it yealded no results. My credit reference agency is 999 and shows no CCJ either.

      From my paper records I thought it was statute barred and infact wrote to them with a letter similiar to the one here, but then after looking more carefully at my bank statements we had paid £1 a month untill 2017, I thought we had stopped in 2009.


      • #4
        Had you actually paid or were they helping themselves from a DD?

        You really need to get details of the alleged claim


        • #5
          Thanks very much Ostell. It was a giro sadly, so paid.

          It's so annoying as the card company wriggled out of the PPI even though they carried on taking money (it totted up to about £300), and back in 2009 we worked out we had paid this company £800 in late and unpaid charges just trying to keep up. Now on top of this MC want to add another load on top for a CCJ and judgement that we know nothing about and cannot find a record of.

          Today we are writing to MC to let them know we are seeking advice.


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