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Trail and convictions under common law

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  • Trail and convictions under common law

    Well I have duckducked this term and found nothing. No newspaper articles of people being tried for crimes set out in common law such as one of the most serious of murder.
    So am I right in thinking that our justice system (in England) is just not set up to do so by means of the courts and such crimes are tried and convicted *under admiral law of the sea rather than common law its self?
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  • #2
    Go and 'duckduck' a FMOTL forum. They'll be happy to talk about such things with you.

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    • #3
      They are out there -!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
        Go and 'duckduck' a FMOTL forum. They'll be happy to talk about such things with you.
        Unfortunately they are not much use of any god given human natural right use intended. In reality most are just a bunched of paranoid lazy researchers (according to reptilian shape shifting being Michel Portillo BTW!) that have no factually proof beyond reasonable doubt and hence are no more use then a bunch of worthless little eaters of prison planet who claim to be the direct decedents of David Icke pot smoking disciples

        But at an educated guess I would say that somewhere in the magna carta treaty it states that a human being is innocent until proven guilty (and I look forward with great ambision of finding such clause); but as you identify yourself sir as a corprotive enterty (as the owner of this forum) owned and governed by her majesty's government then I believe you will stand under the statement of (new age wokeism mentality agenda of society) guilty until proven innocent. So I hearby grant you your claim and I ask you sir. Would you like me to prove it to you that my above statement is correct? And I have not just dreamed it up at 4 in the morning out of a bottle of Jack Frost cider from a person (and not a human being in legal and not lawful terms BTW!) whom is suffering from the chronicle mental illness of trollighttuss (Basically meaning that anyone that says the system is corrupt and bent is a wako, a lunatic, a racist a nio Nazi ect ect, according to Donald Trump on election campaign who is the biggest Waco of the lot, all cut from the same cloth BTW all follow the same genetic family bloodline as the Clinton body count)

        Last edited by Batista230; 9th February 2020, 20:07:PM.


        • #5
          "But at an educated guess I would say that somewhere in the magna carta treaty it states that a human being is innocent until proven guilty "

          What education? It is well known to students of jurisprudence that nowhere in Magna Carta can be found the legal maxim of innocent until proven guilty.
          The nearest you get to it is the right to be tried by "judgement of his peers"before being punished


          • #6
            Originally posted by des8 View Post
            The nearest you get to it is the right to be tried by "judgement of his peers"before being punished
            has you seen that quoted in the magna cara? do you have referance to it please?

            Then I wonder where this innocent until proven guilty terminology came about and weather or not it is slang and hear say or swarn by law


            • #7
              I your not happy with our laws and how they used in court why not try to get them repealed and new ones put in place that suit you the rest of us accept the laws of this country


              • #8
                Originally posted by Batista230 View Post
                has you seen that quoted in the magna cara? do you have referance to it please? Clause 39 of Magna Carta

                Then I wonder where this innocent until proven guilty terminology came about and weather or not it is slang and hear say or swarn by law
                What the devil does "swarn by law" mean?
                It is an established principle of law in western civilisation, and I believe (but not going to bother to check) that it originated in ancient Greece

                About time you did some serious research yourself


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wales01man View Post
                  I your not happy with our laws and how they used in court why not try to get them repealed and new ones put in place that suit you the rest of us accept the laws of this country
                  People have been trying for years, trying to claim prince a pality of the own land and other stuff, but sadly due to the indoctrination process (from the likes of the television consensus and newspapers) a majority of humanity believe we need a system in place to protect us from ourselves (as we the slaves are the bady's and inferior to our master whom are the goodies and claim to be the master race). When infact we need a system in place to protect us from stuff they have done in the first place! (I.e. 9/11 was an inside job)

                  Originally posted by des8 View Post
                  Clause 39 of Magna Carta
                  Google search for that term give me
                  No free man is to be arrested, or imprisoned, or disseised, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any other way ruined, nor will we go against him or send against him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.

                  from http://magnacarta.cmp.uea.ac.uk/read...1215/Clause_39
                  What do you use are reference if you want something out of the MCT?

                  Originally posted by des8 View Post
                  It is an established principle of law in western civilisation, and I believe (but not going to bother to check) that it originated in ancient Greece
                  The reason I was asking this question is because if the police stopped me for any god given reason as ask me who I was and I explained that I identified my self as James son of David or son of god head or my nick name in that pub over there is beavis’es butthead, then they say what is your real name and I explain to them everything I have been explaining before about the rights of a freeman.
                  But the bottom line is why do I need to give out that corporate entity name the name that your masters enrolled me in that I did not consent to and it is my natural god given rights not to do so and they say, to make sure you are not wanted by the police for anything

                  Well how do I explain to the police that I am innocent until proven guilty by rights of law? You say you think it dates back to an ancient Greek law; but if this is the case do you think that older laws will always override newer ones, and is there ancient laws in this county that would override magna carta and allow me to do things like an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

                  Originally posted by des8 View Post
                  About time you did some serious research yourself
                  But I have been trying Ringo; I have been trying real hard!
                  But all I get on the FMOTL forums is a load of er, er well drunken bob on karaoke night down at the piss head said and er well hear a story that somewhere out of nowhere! And without a single shred of evidence, with out I piece of legislation or even a reference point, like our good freeman friend the drug dealer from Burnly found out the hard way, boasting about using his house for growing weed so he could sell it to make a living and he can get away with it because his mate said to say this a tat and together to police, anyway cut a long story short turns out they got him in the end on HIS NAME.
                  As I did promise in my previous post I would give evidence to all this without further a do

                  PS on the subject of FMOTL solicitors; what do you recon to that guy called Giovanni Di Stefano, who represented the late Dr Harold Shipman. As I now have come to the conclusion that no one here on this forum will represent me in court in my desired capacity


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Batista230 View Post
                    * Clause 39 of Magna Carta

                    Google search for that term give me
                    No free man is to be arrested, or imprisoned, or disseised, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any other way ruined, nor will we go against him or send against him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.
                    Hear come a new tin of worms opened now; for the questioning of the narrative

                    If I am a freeman I can not be arrested by the police if I do not breach the law of the land.
                    And by lawful judgment of his peers, I take it you mena a court houes


                    • #11
                      Have you been arrested for something you haven't done ?

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                      • #12
                        no but something may devolop very soon!



                        • #13
                          Prevention is probably better than cure in that case xx

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