This part of the order
When was the order served?
If it was more than 7 days ago he would have to make a formal application on form N244 and pay the relevant fee. I think that if he applied within 7 days he could request the order be varied or setaside without paying the fee. But it's only to have the ORDER setaside/varied NOT the judgment ( although in this case it would mean judgment isn't simply entered in your favour in the terms of your original application for default judgment. ( yip still complicated for unknown reasons )
It is over 7 days from service of the order now anyway so it's a moot point if he's not done anything yet.... not sure when the order was dated ( deemed served 2 days after ) so you should be awarded the judgment, might be worth a call to the court tmw to see if he has raised any arguments, or just wait until you receive the judgment order.
Is the amount the Judge has stated the amount you claimed and applied for judgment for ? ( it is quite unusual for the Judge to double check - so maybe just double check the amount - only because someone else got a judgment against them for 41p last week due to a typo in the claimant's claim form )
2. This order, in part or in whole, has been made on the application of one party without notice to another. Any party affected by it may apply within 7 days of service of it upon him/her/it to have it set aside or varied.
When was the order served?
If it was more than 7 days ago he would have to make a formal application on form N244 and pay the relevant fee. I think that if he applied within 7 days he could request the order be varied or setaside without paying the fee. But it's only to have the ORDER setaside/varied NOT the judgment ( although in this case it would mean judgment isn't simply entered in your favour in the terms of your original application for default judgment. ( yip still complicated for unknown reasons )
It is over 7 days from service of the order now anyway so it's a moot point if he's not done anything yet.... not sure when the order was dated ( deemed served 2 days after ) so you should be awarded the judgment, might be worth a call to the court tmw to see if he has raised any arguments, or just wait until you receive the judgment order.
Is the amount the Judge has stated the amount you claimed and applied for judgment for ? ( it is quite unusual for the Judge to double check - so maybe just double check the amount - only because someone else got a judgment against them for 41p last week due to a typo in the claimant's claim form )