"The Claimant claims the sum of £2748.86 for an outstanding debt owed. On 18/04/2008 the Defendant entered into an agreement with Lloyds Banking Group for a Credit Card under reference xxx etc.
On 28/05/2012 the Defendant defaulted on the agreement with an outstanding balance of £3298.86.
On 24/11/2015 the debt of £3298.86 was assigned to PRA Group (UK) Ltd.
Notices of assignment were sent to the defendant in accordance with S136 Law of Property Act 1925. Payments of £325.00 were received up to 03/10/2017 and adjustments have been applied in the sum of £225.00. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS 1. The sum of £2748.86"
As always, any help much appreciated.
Action taken so far;
Received claim form yesterday, acknowledged this morning after reading first steps.
Also, done my CCA letter which I will post off today.
I am unable to do CPR 31.14 Request as there are no solicitors details on the said claim form- what am I to do about that?
I defaulted due to an injury, no excuses. I contacted Lloyds TSB (as it was then) to remind them I defaulted when I spotted it on credit file. We agreed a payment plan. They then sold it to PRA Group without me knowing
I did set up a repayment plan by standing order. Having checked that not a live one, cant remember cancelling it. I moved last July, and haven't had any correspondence from them, other than this letter. Not even the one they send 30 days before.
I will follow the after steps, but the main question again, I am unable to do CPR 31.14 Request as there are no solicitors details on the said claim form- what am I to do about that?
Thanks in advance
On 28/05/2012 the Defendant defaulted on the agreement with an outstanding balance of £3298.86.
On 24/11/2015 the debt of £3298.86 was assigned to PRA Group (UK) Ltd.
Notices of assignment were sent to the defendant in accordance with S136 Law of Property Act 1925. Payments of £325.00 were received up to 03/10/2017 and adjustments have been applied in the sum of £225.00. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS 1. The sum of £2748.86"
As always, any help much appreciated.
Action taken so far;
Received claim form yesterday, acknowledged this morning after reading first steps.
Also, done my CCA letter which I will post off today.
I am unable to do CPR 31.14 Request as there are no solicitors details on the said claim form- what am I to do about that?
I defaulted due to an injury, no excuses. I contacted Lloyds TSB (as it was then) to remind them I defaulted when I spotted it on credit file. We agreed a payment plan. They then sold it to PRA Group without me knowing
I did set up a repayment plan by standing order. Having checked that not a live one, cant remember cancelling it. I moved last July, and haven't had any correspondence from them, other than this letter. Not even the one they send 30 days before.
I will follow the after steps, but the main question again, I am unable to do CPR 31.14 Request as there are no solicitors details on the said claim form- what am I to do about that?
Thanks in advance