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county court claim form

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  • county court claim form

    i received a county court claim form from northampton county court, i have done all the steps as listed, i sent a cpr31.14 request to there solicitor and received the following back from them.

    we have received you letter in which you make a request for documents and have notified our client lowell portfolio ltd of this request. Documents in support of your our clients claim will be disclosed on or before disclosure as directed by the county court. in the meantime, please file your response to the claim form an accordance with the court timetable. if you require a further time to prepare your response, please let us know as we may be able to agree a short extension to the court time table.

    what do i do know i need to file a defence but have nothing to base it on.

    please help
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  • #2
    Amethyst nemesis45 warwick65 Diana M ??
    Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.

    It doesn't matter where your journey begins, so long as you begin it...

    recte agens confido


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    • #3
      Originally posted by bryan71moto View Post
      sent a cpr31.14 request to there solicitor and received the following back from them.

      we have received you letter in which you make a request for documents and have notified our client lowell portfolio ltd of this request. Documents in support of your our clients claim will be disclosed on or before disclosure as directed by the county court. in the meantime, please file your response to the claim form an accordance with the court timetable. if you require a further time to prepare your response, please let us know as we may be able to agree a short extension to the court time table.

      what do i do know i need to file a defence but have nothing to base it on.
      The fact that they've not complied with your CCA or CPR 31.14 Requests will form part of your Defence. You don't want them to produce the documentation.

      How much is this claim for since the letter refers to "disclosure as ordered by the county court". They may be referring to the Small Claims Court (under £10k) but I thought I'd check in case it's likely to be allocated to the Fast Track where disclosure is managed in a different way.



      • #4
        thanks for your reply
        the county court claim form was from Lowell Portfolio ltd for a debt from orange.
        the claim is for £316.10


        • #5
          Please type in the particulars of the claim after removing any personal information.



          • #6
            It might be worth me asking what exactly did you ask for in your CPR 31.14 request ?


            • #7
              Can any one help please.
              I have received a county court claim form the claimant Lowell Portfolio ltd for a debt from orange.
              the claim is for £316.10

              The Particulars

              The defendant failed to maintain contractual payments required under the terms of the account agreement

              The debt was legally assigned to the claimant on the 22 lul 2015, notice of which has been given to the defendant.

              The claim includes Statutory interest under the s.69 of the county courts act 1984 .


              • #8
                I asked for a copy of the agreement and also a copy of the assignment


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