Hello. I done know where to start. I am so upset and only myself to blame. I have done something really really stupid. I don't know why I did it. I attempted to steal Xmas chocolates (WTAF!) from M&S and they stopped me leaving the store. They asked did I know why I had been stopped. I said yes and they took me to the back room. They asked me to remove unpaid me for items and then checked my bag. They then explained I would get a letter from civil recovery partner and be banned from M&S (as well as online shopping). They took my photo, name address and DOB. They Followed me to my car, took a pic and said my car reg would be circulated to other shopping centres and would be picked up by automatic cameras and I may be asked to leave shopping centres.
i have no idea why I did what I did. I have never done anything like this before. It’s not as if I cannot afford what I took. I don’t even like what I took. I am so stressed out with work, my anxiety is through the roof (on medication) and the threat of having to homeschool kids again if there is further lockdown is pushing me over the edge.
I will pay the DWF letter-I have no excuse and deserve to. I am just terrified This will go further. I asked at the time if this was criminal and they said no, it’s a small amount and they are too busy to wait for police. One of the guys who followed me back to car was very nice and said this is a wake up call. If I pay the charge will this really be it? My career would be over with a criminal charge as registration would be revoked by fitness to practice panel.
Dows anyone have any advice? I am sick with worry. I am I. Scotland if that makes a difference.