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Laser eye surgery cancelled after cooling off period - deposit refund

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  • Laser eye surgery cancelled after cooling off period - deposit refund

    Hi All,

    A long story short, I have cancelled a LASIK laser eye surgery with Optical Express after cooling off period (72hrs) after finding out that my surgery qualifying examination was not carried out by them with reasonable care and skill and critical information that would have affected my decision was withheld. They obviously now do not want to return my deposit (£400). I do not dispute that I confirmed I understood the deposit was not refundable after 72hrs from making a booking, but I believe Optical Express have not done their job right, so should any agreements made on the day of examination be considered as legally binding?

    Here is my full story.

    I attended a free consultation appointment at Optical Express clinic in Coventry in November 2013. The examination suggested that LASIK surgery would be suitable and this was booked in December in Birmingham.

    On the examination day my prescription was found to be higher (I believe by -0.5 in both eyes) than my current contact lenses prescription. This surprised me as I have not been experiencing any degradation in my eyesight. Therefore, I felt I should book an appointment to double check this and I managed to get an appointment at the opticians I usually go. This examination showed that my eye prescription has not changed at all for either glasses or contact lenses as compared to my last prescription.

    Moreover, during the examination at Optical Express I explained that the reason I was investigating surgery was because I cannot wear contact lenses for long without experiencing dry eyes. During my examination at Optical Express I was given no reason to believe that this could be an additional risk factor should I opt for corrective eye surgery. I have discovered since that this may represent an increased risk of suffering dry eye following corrective eye surgery and therefore, when I found that my opticians’ examination did not confirm the change of prescription identified by Optical Express optometrist, I asked to have my existing concerns around dry eye checked in detail. The examination revealed that I have blocked meibomian glands, which although I had mentioned my current concerns was not identified during my examination at Optical Express. Having become concerned about this, I have checked various medical articles which have given me the impression that eye surgery should not be carried out if you experience problems with dry eyes.

    During my consultation I also explained that I train in mixed martial arts, which is a highly contact sport. I wanted to fully understand the risks associated with the combination of LASIK eye surgery and contact sports and the potential dislocation of the “flaps” created during this type of surgery. I was told that the LASIK method would still be appropriate. However, the optometrist examining me needed to check this with "a senior optometrist" since she was not 100% confident. I was somewhat confused by this because I was told when booking my appointment that I would be examined by a senior optometrist. It occurs to me now that lady examining me was not a senior optometrist, though I had been led to expect that this would be the case.

    Moreover, on the day of the examination I was also not given full information that would have affected my decision to make an informed consent: this includes treatment Optical Express success rates, retreatment statistics, statistics for probability of starbursts, halo effects, night time distortion, dry eyes etc.; current investigations by the General Medical Council into their surgeons, numerous legal claims, the numbers of damaged patients etc.

    As a result of all of the above, I have lost confidence in Optical Express and have decided not to proceed with the operation booked in December. Above all I was seriously concerned that should I proceed, the health of my eyes may be jeopardised by what appears to me to be a poor quality of diagnosis. I have requested that a full refund of my deposit (£400 paid by debit card) be sent to my bank account; however after speaking to their customer service team I have only found out that deposit will not be refunded. I have written a formal compliant to their CEO, but I have not heard anything back.

    Can you please advise what can I do to get my deposit back? As a last resort I will go to a small claim court, but I would like to avoid this if possible.

    Any help will be truly appreciated.


  • #2
    Re: Laser eye surgery cancelled after cooling off period - deposit refund

    Have you made any enquiries with an optician's professional body such as the General Optical Council ? This may enable you to make a complaint which would resolve these matters without going to court.


    • #3
      Re: Laser eye surgery cancelled after cooling off period - deposit refund

      I have not done this yet, but I will do this. Thanks a lot for the advice


      • #4
        Re: Laser eye surgery cancelled after cooling off period - deposit refund

        Sorry I can't help with the legal side but I find it disgusting that these "pile it high, sell it cheap" clinics can operate like this - especially when it could affect you for the rest of your life. I've seen countless eye surgeons since Optimax butchered my right eye. Moorfields had to correct it. A reputable eye surgeon would never dream of taking your money if you decided not to go ahead. I only wish I had done proper research before allowing Optimax lose with the laser.

        There's good laser eye surgeons out there and I can highly recommend Julian Stevens at Moorfields, David O'Brart at St Thomas London and also Mr Arun Brahma at Manchester Royal eye hospital. There's probably more good surgeons but these 3 I have seen and have a very good reputation. There are various types of laser surgery available at differing prices but unlike the high street clinics a good surgeon will only recommend and perform the particular type of surgery that they feel is most suited to you and not base it on whichever technique you can afford.


        • #5
          Re: Laser eye surgery cancelled after cooling off period - deposit refund

          You may also be able to make a claim against the card issuer, but the provisions are different according to whether a debit or a credit card is used. Possibly they may ask for evidence that the advice was inadequate or poor quality, so a complaint to a professional body if upheld would be evidence of that.

          You could also make a complaint to Trading Standards about the clinic as a business. A firm letter to the director of the clinic stating your reasons for dissatisfaction, requesting the refunds of the deposit paid and stating that you will refer the matter to Trading Standards if this has not been resolved within 28 days may be worthwhile, if you have not already done this.

          If straightforward tactics like this do not help, there are solicitors who specialise in claims about unsatisfactory private medical treatment.


          • #6
            Re: Laser eye surgery cancelled after cooling off period - deposit refund

            One might take the view that the Eye Zapping "Clinic" had initially withheld information about whether the procedure could be carried out safely or at all on this patient and thus, under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 (link) the contract should be rescinded ab initio and the deposit refunded in a timely manner.


            • #7
              Re: Laser eye surgery cancelled after cooling off period - deposit refund

              You might find this useful. Optical Express are mentioned for their shoddy practices.


              • #8
                Re: Laser eye surgery cancelled after cooling off period - deposit refund

                Please google 'optical express ruined my life' and you will find the advice and assistance you need. There is a thread called 'deposit refunds'. The site is run by a lady called Sasha Rodoy who has helped many people to get their money back.

                The site also offers a forum for patients damaged by Optical Express to have their voices heard and to obtain advice and guidance on how to redress their grievances. Sasha has been inundated with requests for help from patients damaged by this company and because of this she is very knowledgeable re the workings of this 'industry' and in a good position to help.


                • #9
                  Re: Laser eye surgery cancelled after cooling off period - deposit refund

                  Here is the link :



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