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sale of goods

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  • sale of goods

    :snowbal:Hi everyone,just a quick question about about consumer rights.Bought a pair of boots about a couple of months ago and in the last week i noticed my feet getting wet and holes have appeared in the ball of the feet area on both boots.
    I've had a read through my rights and that products should be sold fit for purpose and i consider 2 months of wear a little baffling!.The boots are still in excellant condition as i was only probably wearing them once/twice a week.
    Apparently i don't have to provide a till receipt(as had no intention of taking them back) and a bank statement is sufficient?will they not try fobbing me off as soon as i present the boots to them,
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  • #2
    Re: Some handy guides (Sale of Goods Act)

    Knew hear looking for advice, but firstly, why do template letters on the Direct Gov website refer to the Supply of Goods & Services Act 1982 (As amended) . Is that the same law ?


    • #3
      Re: Some handy guides (Sale of Goods Act)

      Five consumer laws you really ought to know


      This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

      You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
      Cohen, Herb

      There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
      gets his brain a-going.
      Phelps, C. C.

      "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
      The last words of John Sedgwick


      • #4
        Re: Some handy guides (Sale of Goods Act)

        I wrote in another post about a suite i bought from a second hand shop,which i discovered on delivery had burn marks on 2 of the cushions, now i have found there are no fire warning labels on the suite, i have followed Trading standards advice and written 2 letters, first for a response in 14 days,didnt get one,then another 7 days for response, didnt get one,now need to write a letter "before action" anyone know what i should write, just basically saying i have had no response so taking it further?
        Also the leather on one of the chairs is very badly marked,
        I didnt see the burn marks as i couldnt see above the front of the suite as it was raised higher than my eyeline,so was the marked chair
        The trader only showed me one chair which was in reasonably good condition, and was acceptable, he said with leather cleaner it would clean up ok,
        TS said the burn marks should have been pointed out to me, if they had been i would not have bought it, even if the rest of the suite was ok, the lining is hanging off the back, and there are sweet wrappers down the sides of the settee, and the underside of the settee is very sticky, feels like jam


        • #5
          Re: Some handy guides (Sale of Goods Act)

          Hi ,my wife bought one those electronic cigarettes and whilst charging it ,it exploded and set fire to the house.The firemen said it was the cause of the fire.We were not insured and the seller of the cigarettes was not interested he said speak to my insurance co.We can not afford a solicitor and the no win no fee is only for injuries and solicitors do not want to know.We went to one solicitor on a free half hour saying he would get back which he never did even after 4 call to enquire what was happening.The CAB was a waste of time the person who dealt with us was like Julie Walters out of Acorn Antiques. Any Ideas please.


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