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Car Insurance issues

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  • Car Insurance issues

    Firstly apologies if this in in the wrong section.

    I took out a policy with RSA echoice in October, which they cancelled in December last year. I contacted RSA customer support as soon as I got the letter in an attempt to resolve the situation. I explained that I had arrived home after the Christmas break to find a letter informing me that my policy had been terminated as of 11:59pm on the 20th of December 2012. I was somewhat perplexed as I hadn’t received prior notification from RSA or from my bank and had therefore believed everything to be in order as I had been given no reason to think otherwise. My dissatisfaction was not enhanced by being told in no uncertain terms that I was no longer welcome as a customer of RSA or affiliated companies, despite my best effort to explain the circumstances that consequently led to the policy being terminated. I was informed that at least one letter had been sent informing me of an outstanding payment, but was unable to be given the dates on which they were sent although these were later provided. I was also told that despite RSA having a mobile telephone number and e-mail address on record for me no attempt was made to contact me through these. I was then informed that the bank account stored was incorrect, and was in a different name to anyone on the policy. My attempts to explain that the reason I didn’t receive notification from the bank was due to me not being the owner of the account you had on record. And my explanation that I didn’t receive the unspecified number of letters sent on unspecified days were not apprehended and I deemed it futile to pursue my attempt to explain. I therefore offered full payment of the outstanding loan amount and correct bank details in an attempt to continue with the policy. Regrettably, I was told this was not possible, ergo I asked if an investigation could be launched as to why I didn’t receive any notification, I then declined the option to pay the outstanding amount without any further resolution. I feel that my policy was terminated unfairly and have consequently been required to take out a new policy with higher premiums and have had black marks placed against my name through no fault of my own.

    I actually received the final warning letter just before the New Year, after the policy had been cancelled, and then received another letter dated 9th January 2013 on the 31st of January 2013. I was also disappointed that it was not company policy to contact a customer by e-mail when the policy was advertised, opened and paid for online. I wrote a letter to RSA explaining everything and again offering full payment in return for a clean slate.

    This has been passed on to a debt recovery agency to collect the money. On the 19th july I received and email saying We are able to offer, without prejudice a settlement of 65.49 providing this is paid in to our account by the 31.07.13 Unfortunately I was out of the country and was unable to offer payment until my return and had some confirmations in writing.
    I am not in any dispute about the amount owed; however I am concerned that once it is paid I will have no leverage to get the black marks, which were unfairly added, removed. I would like to have in writing that anything on my credit rating as a result of this will be removed, and any black marks with RSA removed such that I may, if I choose, open another policy with RSA. Unfortunately I lack the legal skills to know how to negotiate this or the correct terminology.

    I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to move this forward and get it resolved.

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  • #2
    Re: Car Insurance issues

    Anyone have any advice?


    • #3
      Re: Car Insurance issues

      can advise on parts of your problem, but don't have full answer for you.
      As your policy had been cancelled by the insurers with effect from 20th December, it could not be reinstated later on from that date. It is illegal to backdate insurance required under the Road Traffic Act.
      Insurers are under no obligation to offer anyone cover. As you had already defaulted on payment, regardless of the reason, RSA have taken the decision not to deal with you in future. That is their commercial decision, and whether or not you or I feel it is unfair, it is not illegal.
      Regarding the debt, and your credit records, I would rather others with more knowledge advise.


      • #4
        Re: Car Insurance issues

        You could try sending an email to the CEO:


        This at least gets your issue looked at by the Executive's office who will be able to do much more than a normal CSA. Failing any success there, I think you would have to ask if you can appeal their decision. Hopefully, once everything is explained calmly and rationally to them, they may be more understanding. :beagle:


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