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17 daughter and 5 friends refused food at brewers fayre

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  • #16
    Re: 17 daughter and 5 friends refused food at brewers fayre

    I just let me daughter read Wales post and she asked - why do teenagers have to be troublesome alcoholics - there are some of us that love slushies (the ice drink - just in case of confusion) and love reading books more than going out and getting high or drunk or both.

    I guess this is the reason she is a grade A english student and house captain at School and head prefect and being considered for Head Girl. Plus she tutors other children in English at her school (the school pays some of their students £5 a session to tutor the younger years) but she refuses to be paid for it and asks the school to give the money to charity as she doesn't want to profit from something she loves doing and gets so much joy from - she wants to be an English teacher in secondary school. She has a part time job and earns her own pocket money.


    • #17
      Re: 17 daughter and 5 friends refused food at brewers fayre

      I just let me daughter read Wales post and she asked - why do teenagers have to be troublesome alcoholics - there are some of us that love slushies (the ice drink - just in case of confusion) and love reading books more than going out and getting high or drunk or both.

      I guess this is the reason she is a grade A english student and Head Captain at School and head prefect........ Plus she tutors other children in English at her school (the school pays some of their students £5 a session to tutor the younger years) but she refuses to be paid for it and asks the school to give the money to charity as she doesn't want to profit from something she loves doing and gets so much joy from - she wants to be an English teacher in secondary school. She has a part time job and earns her own pocket money.


      • #18
        Re: 17 daughter and 5 friends refused food at brewers fayre

        Originally posted by fuzzybrain View Post
        i did ask the manageress who refused them service if the girls behaviour was of concern, if they were disruptive, loud, abusive or causing problems for other customers and she said no that they were well behaved and polite - even when they were asked to leave they did not become aggresive or argumentative or cause a scene. She also confirmed that none of them asked for alcohol and had not attempted to order alcohol either. Her issue was that they were under 18 and she didn't want under 18 years in her establishment without an adult present - she said it was against licencing laws.
        I do not believe she is quite correct, but it does appear her attitude may be contrary to company policy.

        We have a witness of somebody that knows the girls who was dining in the restaurant at the time and tried to help them by saying he would over see them and be responsible for them and place an order for food for them but the manageress wouldn't allow that either.
        Then her excuse is no longer reasonable.

        I want an apology from the manageress to the girls and an admission that she dealt with the situation badly.
        I rather doubt that you will get either. Remember, Melanie Boswell was once a publican.

        The owners of the tavern, however, may be more inclined to agree with you, especially if they suppose they might appear on TV.


        • #19
          Re: 17 daughter and 5 friends refused food at brewers fayre

          Good that shes like that im sure we all know of someone who has strayed from perfection im not aiming the posts at here but stating that we are not all perfect


          • #20
            Re: 17 daughter and 5 friends refused food at brewers fayre

            I have a 16yr old GtNephew who ,to all intents and purposes, seems a great kid.......we slightly got that wrong,the l'il sh it has been wreaking havoc behind everyones back. He made the fatal error of storming out of the house after a row with his Mum and left his Facebook open.
            Suffice to say,he won't be seeing daylight for many a month,,he will be too busy making amends for every little (and big) thing he so graciously allowed his Mum to find out about.
            Sometimes,,just sometimes, Karma bites back quickly


            • #21
              Re: 17 daughter and 5 friends refused food at brewers fayre

              My eldest (other daughter) made that mistake too and I discovered she was going out drinking when she was under age and was supposed to be a sleepover at a friends house.

              She discovered that mummy has teeth and uses them to bite very hard!! I made her watch soooo many documentaries on alcohol abuse etc she could quote them line for line!! She was grounded for a month with extra household chores plus we banned her from all social network sites for two weeks. She thought her life had ended!!! I told her the under she drinking was bad enough but she lied and that is the biggest no no in my book. No matter what they do if they are honest and open with me then we can work anything out. If they start lying and becoming decitful then that's when trouble starts and no way am I allowing that.

              It was a very harsh punishment but I knew I had to flex my muscles otherwise the potential for her spiralling out of control was a possibility and there was no chance i was allowing that to happen.

              She now works in a youth centre and uses the above story as an example that lying to you parents is social suicide and not worth the risk!!!


              • #22
                Re: 17 daughter and 5 friends refused food at brewers fayre

                Anyhow back to original question

                i have contacted head office and I was beaten to the punch!! Two other mums got there first!! They have sent the complaint to the regional manager to deal with and are logging additional calls to the first person who complained rather than open seperate complaints for each caller. My additional comments (especially about thephobe coversation between the manageress and myself) have been noted on the complaint file and when the matter is investigated by the regional manager all parties who have raised concerns/complaints in regards to this incident will be contacted and included in all correspondence and outcome of the investigation.

                I got the feeling that they really wished our daughters had decided to go McDonald's instead of Brewers Fayre!!! If nothing else we have caused them a lot of hassle, extra work and paperwork that miht involve a rain forest!! That isn't going to impress the manageress manager!!!


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