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Laptop Insurance policy not paying out for stolen laptop

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  • Laptop Insurance policy not paying out for stolen laptop


    I'm new to the forum and didn't really see a suitable place for this hope this one is ok.
    I have recently Had my laptop stolen of me while travelling home from London to Stafford which I reported to the police, I only noticed it after getting on the train where my laptop had gone and the bag was slightly damaged. On the claim form I stated that My laptop was taken from me between leaving my cousins house and travelling up to Euston. In reply I got form the insurance company Nevett & Taylor that stated

    " Further to your recent request for a claim form in respect of the above incident, we write to confirm that unfortunately you will be unable to make a claim on this occasion.
    Having established the cover currently provided by your policy it appears that no force was used to take the equipment. "

    They also sent me a copy of my policy highlighting " Theft of the equipment from the person unless involving force or the threat thereof "

    I'm in the process of sending and email the the complaints department with the following below what I was wondering is it still viable as the bag was damaged during the theft.


    I would like to make a complaint about the insurance policy I have with you. My Laptop was stolen from me when I was travelling back home from London, it was forcibly removed from my back pack without my knowledge, physically damaging the luggage to get in. I had not noticed this until I got on to my train back to Stafford.

    In the reply to my claim, Reference CP017673, it states the reason for Exclusion was due to "no force was used to take the equipment". This simply isn't true, my luggage was forcibly and physically damaged in order to extract the hardware.

    The Reason I'm making this complaint is because of what happened to my laptop is what any normal person would describe as theft and comes within the range of offences covered by the Theft Act 1968. What I'm asking for is a reconsideration of my policy with you on the terms of the forcible removal of my equipment."
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