I made a Money Claim related to a consumer dispute. D filed an AoS today. They failed to reply to the LBA despite accepting they received it.
Following the filing of the AoS, D's solicitor has now sent a request by email:
"Turning now to the claim, we request the following documents pursuant to CPR 31.14:
Finally, if you do not understand the content of this email, we recommend that you seek independent legal advice."
Do I have to supply these things please?
Following the filing of the AoS, D's solicitor has now sent a request by email:
"Turning now to the claim, we request the following documents pursuant to CPR 31.14:
- A copy of the contract between you and Pxx Limited;
- A copy of the email from your husband to the salesperson employed at Pxx Limited;
- A copy of the advert upon which you relied;
- Notes and evidence of calls and video calls between you and the salesperson;
- Evidence that the car has been in an accident;
- Evidence of the repairs to the vehicle following the accident;
- The Dxx report;
- A copy of your instructions to Dxx;
- Evidence of the repairs to the vehicle and the cost of £2,413.50 to you (to include receipts and reasons for the repairs);
- Evidence of what you claim to be the true value of the vehicle;
- A copy of the log book relating to the vehicle (Mercedes-Benz C Class, registration number xxxxxxxxxxx
Finally, if you do not understand the content of this email, we recommend that you seek independent legal advice."
Do I have to supply these things please?