I've recently taken over a small shop, it was presented as vacant so there was no ongoing business and pretty much no furniture were left in the shop except a cash machine that's at the front of the shop. After contacting the company that owns the machine, I've been informed that they have no idea as to when they'll be able to remove it, this is causing me quite a few problems because I want to refurbish the shop and the machine is taking up a lot of space. My question is that since I'm not in a contract with the company, would I get into trouble if I were to have this cash machine removed and disposed of personally?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I've recently taken over a small shop, it was presented as vacant so there was no ongoing business and pretty much no furniture were left in the shop except a cash machine that's at the front of the shop. After contacting the company that owns the machine, I've been informed that they have no idea as to when they'll be able to remove it, this is causing me quite a few problems because I want to refurbish the shop and the machine is taking up a lot of space. My question is that since I'm not in a contract with the company, would I get into trouble if I were to have this cash machine removed and disposed of personally?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.