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urgent advice with rossendales required

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  • urgent advice with rossendales required

    Have posted the below information elsewhere on the web(CAG) am hoping someone on here may also be able to help so have pasted the full of what I put elsewhere here.

    Thanks in advance

    1st sept

    Hoping someone can help, I've read the forums and whilst highly informative some of it is a little confusing.

    I had a visit yesterday from Rossendales who gave me a Baliff removal letter. Have no scanner so had to type it in as best I can below. This is the first contact I personally have had with this company and relays to council tax at a point in time when I was not working due to having a baby and then after that I was a mature student. However I did have a partner who I thought had paid everything (obviously not).

    Long and short is I told the baliffs face to face yesterday on my doorstep (neither put a foot/hand in my door and I didn't sign anything) that I was in no position to pay the £1344 in 24 hours and that due to being off work today and having two children in the house (single parent) they would not be gaining entry anyways (I naturally don't let anyone in that I don't know).

    This was the first I knew of this debt and have since found out that whilst I'm not named on other orders Rossendales have my ex has three more council tax orders with them but the woman stated it was for 2006/7.

    The female baliff (there was a male there too) stated they would be back in 24 hours if I did not contact and make full payment. I had a quick scan of the forum and have sorted a letter out to sent to the Rossendale offices recorded, the relevant council and have one pinned to the door should the baliffs turn up. I also made a payment of £50 which is the most I can afford without my kids starving online to Rossendales to the correct account.

    Fast forward to this morning and I now have posted relevant letters (stuck one on door for baliffs), I also rang the Rossendales office to speak to someone there and explain I had not realised this debt was there, that I have made a payment and will be sending three copies of my payment plan to all relevant (obviously a fourth copy for my own records). The woman on the phone stated she could see the payment was made but that it was in the hands of the baliff and she would transfer the call to her.

    I then spoke to the female baliff who stated things were at such a stage she would be coming to arrest me (I don't think she has the authority but obviously am mentioning this so I can have my mind put at ease). I stated to her the offer was £50 and that I had seeked advice on my rights and that a payment of good will has been made to prove I am willing to pay off this debt and an initial payment has been made and can be prooven. She again repeated about arresting me and that she would need to talk to her boss as it is passed any stage of making payment deals.

    She stated that as a previous payment planned had been agreed and not met things had progressed. I stated that whilst a plan may have been met it was not in any way shape or form an agreement with me who is now being persued and that I am willing to pay off this debt, I personally have never let them in my house or signed any such payment plan. She stated she would contact me in an hours time (I gave her a phone number for a mobile phone rather than my home) and as yet has not (first contact made at 930am now 1120am). I'm sat in the house with two kids and ill, wondering what on earth is going on. I am assuming she is making me stew or that she took down the wrong number? Do I need to make contact again via the phone or do I now persue all action in the written format? I have made contact, the woman in the office stated she was writing on my record that contact via phone was made (though I payed a nominal amount last night to cover that hopefully I'm right in doing that?)

    Proud to be professionals Rossendale address

    My address Reference numbers
    Date 1/9/2009 Time.

    Baliff Removal

    Magistrates liability order/distress warrent for unpaid council tax.

    Payment due in full - 24 hours

    I have attended today with the intention of removing your goods and chattels as are necessary to discharge the above debt and any additional ENFORCEMENT COSTS incurred.

    PLEASE NOTE - no further arrangements are acceptable and payment is now required in full by clear funds only.

    I will re-attend at your address at my convenience and may REMOVE goods even in your absence. Should you wish to avoid this course of action, contact me immediately on the telephone number below to arrange prompt payment of your debt.


    Yours sincerely

    Baliff in charge
    Sorry if its abit gobblydegoop I'm not very good at forums so wasn't sure really despite taking a hint what to include/not included/would be deemed too much/not enough.

    Thanks in advance for any advice that can be offered.

    Oh also forgot (did mention not good at this forum thing)

    I checked the online register for certificated baliffs and the lady in questions ran out on 25/9/2009 obviously I assume its in the throws of being re-issued but online at least she's not valid ?

    Checked door letter pinned to it has not been removed (it has her name on the front and received by hand should she remove it). Definately wasn't postal service as theres nothing in my mail box. That means though she has left nothing to say she has called at my house? does that mean she will be back again ?

    Thanks I've done the letters they were printed off last night when I made a good will payment on Rossendales website. I'm still working out the wording on the letter to the council that will have the rossendale copies included. I do know that on the Rossendale website it states the fees and shows £250 as the amount on there (I did a screen dump of the page for future reference)

    I personally have never let them in my house the problem is I have no idea if my ex did and how indeed that implicates me. I know he tried to make arrangements as the female baliff has explained that to me. Obviously its all a bit of a mares nest as they've got my details and whilst I'm willing to pay I personally have never made an arrangements or signed anything or let them into the house. I also live at a different address now (as happens when relationships go pear shaped), so have no idea how that factors into things.

    I still haven't had a return call from the female so I can only assume she will be back presumably to try and gain peaceful entry (isn't happening) or to agree a payment plan more than what I can afford (again isn't happening). Past that I guess is where the scare mongering comes into it as I have no idea what my ex did and how that (like the debt wasn't enough) is going to affect me and the kids.

    Sadly not on benefits as I work full time (off sick this week hence I was home when they turned up at). I receive a good chunk of tax credits to enhance my pityful wage and am awaiting council tax/rent benefit claim being looked at. Other than that its child benefit and I don't think any of those classify me as "vunerable" . I have a thyroid issue at the moment which is potentially leading to surgery but it is by no means debilitating (ie I still work mainly as I have to or we'd have no money and santas due soon).

    Council dealing with it won't talk as "its not our problem our baliffs are dealing with this now and you need to contact them" obviously I did that early doors this morning.

    I don't want to ring them back now and be drawn into anything (rossendales that is). I've stated my intention and whilst they have my mobile phone number they have not as yet rang me back despite promising to do so within an hour. I'd like to think the ball is in their court now (rossendales) but I'm so unclued up about this and am finding it hard to get my head around the "jargon" its all as said in my first post a little confusing.

    Thanks for your replies.

    3rd sept
    OK so they've not been back since banging on the door, they've not removed the note as its still pinned to the door (working on the principal if they do they have to a) acknowledge the note and b) by doing so they have to take the letter and leave something in paper format in return.

    Wondering how this affects things like my car, I removed it from the driveway whislt I sorted the payment and letter side of things (wasn't on the drive as was in for mot when they visited initially and 2nd time knew they may be back so was elsewhere). I live in a village and need the car to get to work, wondering now if its on the driveway can they still levy it and is it ok to do so (obviously dragging two kids across a village so we can leave said village is a pita). Obviously I fully intend to keep up payments and letter was sent to Rossendales recorded so they should have received it today or tomorrow and will I assume write back to me. I don't want to find one day that whislt I'm hiding like a fugitive in my house (cos it really feels like that that they won't take my car because I'm not answering the door) as this means then I won't be able to get to work ergo I won't be able to pay.

    I can't believe how terrifying it is and I feel for anyone else whose got themselves into this predicament. My kids have felt like caged animals with sas tactics to get about the house (sounds daft no doubt but I've been so paranoid its ridiculous).

    I also return to work on Monday which means my 12 year old will be home alone for brief points to let himself in the house until I return shortly after. I've had to explain in a basic way he's not to open the door and to ensure its locked on leaving and returning even if he's in, but is he safe? Mores the point after the distress can they return when I am not in and enter the house in my absense?

    Much appreciate any advice on the car and if I'm proceeding in the appropriate manner. Appologies if I'm being a complete worry wart over this but its all new to me and I really feel rather frightened by it all and my main priority is my kids and the ability to get them to school, know they are safe in the house.

    today 10th sept
    Urgent help required, following on from the above and from my attempts to make some payment to the baliffs I've returned from work today to find that the baliffs have made a notice of distress on my friends car (no issue as that can easily be proved) but also on my landlords car. He's currently gone to cyprus for 3 months and left his car outside the house this weekend and I have no means of contacting him.

    1st I need to know what proof I can obtain to either prevent removal of that car and how I go about this.

    2nd I assume this means the token payment of £50 made above has been completely ignored. The baliffs returned a phone call to me in respect of the above yesterday (some time after the one hour of calling me back initially as I was home all that day). However being at work and in a place were mobiles are not allowed at all during the working day due I cannot accept calls anyways. One text and one voice mail was left, other than that I have no idea as no other contact has been made outside of those hours as far as I can see.

    I really am quite scared as obviously the cars are not mine that have recieve the distress. I've no idea what to do as its blatently not going to work me paying £50 a month as they've not acknowledged this at all. They only removed the letter I pinned to the front door today and stuck it back opened in the mail box. The office who should have received a posted copy have failed to respond to me at all.

    Letter as best as I can type



    I must now give you 24 hours statutory notice of my intentions to recall and remove your effects, sufficient to satisfy the debts and costs.

    To keep costs to yourself to a minimum, I ask that you contact e to arrance a time suitable for us to be allowed access to your premises.

    Shoul you sish to avoid this distressing course of action, and the resulting costs incurred please contact me immediately on *************

    Yours baliffied
    added in hand written script tried calling an tex no reply.

    Notice of distress as below


    To ********* of ***adress an all otheres whom it may concern. TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of an authority given to me by xxxxx magistrates court in a liability of order dated OCT 4th 2004, I have this day seized distrained an dimpounded upon the premises the goods specified in the inventory below for debt and costs owing to xxxxx council as stated in the said liability order.

    AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that unless the said sum be paid together with the expenses of this distress or the goods replevied, within five days from the date hereof, they will be sold according to the law.


    1 red peugot
    1 Blue car
    squiggled not signed dated 10.9.09

    WALKING possession agreement

    In consideration of (a) you not immediately removing the goods (b) you delaying the sale of those goods I hereby agree that you
    1) You ma take possession of those goods and hold them in a walking possession
    2) you or your man may enter or re-enter the premises at any time will the distraint is in force
    (3) I will not remove or allow to be removed from the premises any goods so distrained.
    4) I will inform any person who may visit my presmises for the purposes of levying any other distress or execution that you are already in possession of the goods so distrained and I will inform you of each such visit.
    5) you may remove and sell those goods at any time after 14 days after the date shown below if I have not paid by then the sum due and your fees, charges and expenses. I certify that a copy of this possession agreement has been handed to me.

    Dated 10.09.09 NOT SIGNED

    Amount for which distress is made £1306.96 (client debt and outstanding costs)
    other fee £60
    Total £1366.96

    Dated 10.9.09
    HELP please someone, I really am at my wits end. I'm sorry if this is hard to comprehend but I'm sat in a flood of tears wondering wtf to do next. I don't really understand the above but my assumption is they're going to at the very least remove my landlords car?

    Sorry again and in much anticipation of assistance.


  • #2
    Re: urgent advice with rossendales required


    Bailiff Guide - Legal Beagles

    Read that , Im sure someone will be along soon to help x
    Dragging myself and my family back into the light with the help of Beagles.

    My Hardship Claim
    Me VS Abbey Win
    BIL HSBC Credit Card
    BIL HSBC Loan
    BIL PPI Win


    • #3
      Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

      The Walking Possession Order is invalid and therefore meaningless, not to mention unlawful so no need to worry about that.

      You have not let them in, which means they are powerless to do much more than posture and threaten, which Rossendales take great delight in doing.

      Which local authority is this and why are you responsible for paying this sum if you were unemployed and in education at the time?


      • #4
        Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

        aren't they supposed to follow procedures and protocaols, ie writing to you first etc? Not just turning up on your doorstep with a warrant. Have you seen the liability order? Is your name on it? Becuase if it'snot, they are stuffed, and the council too, I would ave thought. Council tax relates to a property, not a person like the old Poll Tax did. I am not an xpert in Council tax and bailiffs, but thats what I think.

        And no, rhe bailiffs can't arrest you. They do not have the power of arrest. As far as I know, only police and HMCE have the powers of arrest, and HMCE officers only have it if they are issued with the Queens Warrant (I used to have one of those, made me feel really important. Never actually used it though!)
        Is no longer here


        • #5
          Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

          Certain goods are protected and cannot be seized by the bailiffs. The definition of "protected" for unpaid council tax is: ‘such tools, books, vehicles and other items of equipment as are necessary to the debtor for use personally in his employment, business or vocation’ and ‘such clothing, bedding, furniture, household equipment and provisions as are necessary for satisfying the basic domestic needs of the debtor and his family’ Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992, Reg 45(1A)

          Rossendales know this but hope that you do not. In addition, posting a Walking Possession Order through the door is unlawful, according to both Davidson v Roach [1991] and Evans v South Ribble Borough Council [1991] where in both cases, the latter being a Court of Appeal case, the Walking Possession Order was found to be invalid.

          Contact your local authority and have them take the debt back, based on the following points. Be prepared however, for the fact that they will claim they cannot do this, because the debt is with the bailiff and you must now deal with them. This is manifestly untrue.

          1. Yous is not the only name on the Liability Order and so therefore the debt is not solely yours. What is being done to find the other debtor?
          2. The authority are vicariously liable for the actions of their agents. So far their agents have threatened you with arrest, lied and posted an invalid walking possession order through your door.
          3. Your council tax for the period specified on the Liability Order may well be incorrect and should be recalculated. Pending that recalculation, all recovery action should cease.
          4. You are a single parent of young children and should not be subject to unlawful harassment by bailiffs, in particular when accepted procedures have not been followed.

          Your aim should be to have the debt returned to the local authority for payment, notwithstanding the fact that it may be that it should be recalculated based on your circumstances at the time and that the second debtor must also be held to account, rather than you being solely responsible for this debt.


          • #6
            Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

            Many thanks for your assistance, rather sad its taken me a two hours to be happy with a letter for the council to the point its sealed and ready to be posted recorded first thing in the morning. Feeling a little less anxious, although completely exhausted now.

            Shall endeavour to update this thread and as when anything occurs.

            Again thanks


            • #7
              Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

              Do let us know how you get on xx
              Dragging myself and my family back into the light with the help of Beagles.

              My Hardship Claim
              Me VS Abbey Win
              BIL HSBC Credit Card
              BIL EGG
              BIL HSBC Loan
              BIL PPI Win


              • #8
                Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

                Todays update. Have received the following letters. Don't really tell me a great deal but do have a break down of the fees incured.


                Client Ref
                Customer Ref

                To make an immediate payment call our 24 hour automated payment line xxxx quoting reference xxx

                Dear sir/madam

                RE C Tax owing to xx council
                Amount outstanding £1316.96

                Thank you for your recent correspondence, the comments of which have been note.

                We must advise that we are unable to accept instalments at this stage and payment in full is now required.

                Therefore, you must contact our van bailiff currently dealing with your account, to arrange immediate payment. The bailiff can be contacted on xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

                Governing Bailiff

                Client Ref
                Customer Ref

                To make an immediate payment call our 24 hour automated payment line xxxx quoting reference xxx

                RE C Tax owing to xx council
                Amount outstanding £1316.96

                Further to your request for a breakdown of fees charge and payments made, the details are listed overleaf.

                If you disagree with any of the schedule please forward proof of payments in order that we may persue your query.

                Yours faithfully


                Summary for xxxxxxxxx
                Jan 3, 2007 Debt 1101.96 Outstanding 1101.96
                Jan 19 2007 Visit fee 1 22.50 Outstanding 22.50
                Jan 19 2007 visit fee 2 16.50 Outstanding 16.50
                Jan 14 2008 Levy fee 56.00 Outstanding 56.00
                October 31 2008 Attendance/van 110.00 Outstanding 110.00
                September 1 2009 payment by D/C 0.80 Outstanding 0.80
                Sept 1 2009 waiting 60.00 Outstanding 60.00


                September 1 2009 50.80 Number status waiting
                So of all the things I note and whilst its not much is the 0.80 for the debit card payment online. was under the assumption on paying it the 80p paid at the time covered there costs hence its 50.80 paid and not the 50.00 only.

                Secondly there is a waiting fee of 60.00 and yet on the 1st September what was she waiting for? she knocked at the door I opened it spoke an they went off. I would also assume that there is thus a 60.00 waiting fee for yesterday when she turned up and though she could have waited I wasn't home anyways due to being at work so have no idea.

                Thirdly there is the first and second visit fees on the same day? are they allowed to do that? I'm assuming at the time they may have visited on different days but it does strike me as odd they turned up for a 1st and 2nd visit both on the 19 Jan 2007.

                Past the above points I've no idea on the other charges as of course they dealt with my ex so I can only go on there words that the above stands.

                Any advice on how I reply to this would be much appreciated. If nothing else it all adds to the paper trail I'm attempting to create in a folder of contact with the company.

                Thanks in advance as always


                • #9
                  Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

                  The van fees and levy fees are unlawful because there was no valid levy and hence no need for a van. Furthermore, a van will almost certainly be used more than once on any given day therefore the charge for the van should be divided between all those visited on that day. In addition, it should be noted that, unless a valid, legal and signed Levy or Order for Walking Possession has already been obtained, then the Bailiffs are attending to collect money and not goods and therefore the attendance of a van is not a matter that you should be obliged to pay for.

                  However, the most interesting part of this is the 80p for payment via debit card. This is de facto unlawful. Take a look at this thread, from post #21 Equita bailiffs Urgent help required!! please - Legal Beagles

                  Essentially you may make a claim that the merchant (in this case the bailiff) has defrauded you. The fees a bailiff can charge are prescribed in law and charging a non-prescribed fee - such as a card fee - is fraud.


                  • #10
                    Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

                    Thanks shall toddle of and have a read of that. Its odd isn't it of all the amounts the piddly little one is the one that struck me as odd, and that you've picked up on.



                    • #11
                      Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

                      Right have had a read of that and can see if I take that route it would be wise to do so once I've got the council to take the debt back.

                      As its the weekend (albeit it only one day I can class as them definately not visiting that being sunday). I've starte thinking of my next letter for the council and staying a step ahead of the bailiff. On this basis I'm starting to pick apart the amounts they claim are owed in fees including albeit it those arranged with my ex partner.

                      Ok so if I look at the list of fees it states that a bailiff can charge and take those in place before the levy (which I don't actually know what it was for so I guess at some point I'll have to find out) can anyone confirm if I am working this out correctly based on the figures Rossendales have provided ?

                      The Levy fee shows £56.00 However the 1st £100 is one at 12.5% ie £12.50

                      the next £400 is at 4% and further amounts after that are at 2.5% upto £1500.

                      This would mean at the point that levy was done (taking the amount of CT they state and the 1st an 2nd payments added after this) would sum an amount of £1101.96 + £22.50 + £16.50 = £1140.96.

                      12.5% of £100 = £12.50
                      4% of £400 = £16.00
                      2.5% of remainder (£640.96) = £16.024
                      The total of this = £44.524

                      Am I working this out right ? cos to me thats a deficit of 56.00-44.524= £11.476. This is if its taken as read they have given the correct information that the (albeit it incorrectly added on one day) 1st and 2nd visit fees were the only amounts prior to the levy on top of the debt owed to the council?

                      Also is there anywhere its legally written they cannot take the 1st an 2nd fees on one day? I'm assuming they can't have two visit fees in one day but I'm struggling to find confirmation of this. I am wanting to use this to contact the council and get them to take the case back, thus I need to ensure I throw every little snippet of knowledge at them to ensure they know I have done some homework and so I can go on the offensive all guns blazing (having had 24 hours to mull over this some more whilst still being petrified they're coming back I don't nor can I afford for them to beat me down on this).

                      Also am trying to find out information about the "waiting fee" of £60 that has been charge on the 1st September. Obviously on this day I was home and did speak to the female bailiff so what she was waiting for I'm not entirely sure (can anyone elucidate me on this?), I also am guessing that on the letter she posted by hand through my door that I typed in above with a fee of "other" for £60 she has charged this as waiting and not as a levy fee as surely that would go down as a levy on the sheet in question and not as "other" ?

                      Sorry to be a pest, I want to ensure I fully understand the workings of these fees *blushes* and the proper stand point to coerse the council as much as possible into the fact that my debt in this is only a part of the liability (ex having the other half) and that to get the council to acknowledge I am being unfairly treated I want to have as many bad practise examples as possible to put in my next letter which will be either posted recorded tomorrow or first thing on monday.

                      Again thanks in advance, I'd be at a loss without a forum like this and am ever so glad I a)found it and b) realise I'm not alone in this situation.

                      Oh and having checked from this being highlighted the local council site where I live now I realise I could be entitled to benefit assistance with rent/council tax (not necs both) so am going to at least apply for these an see, wish they'd told me this though.


                      • #12
                        Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

                        Another day thankfully a peaceful one as I could have the curtains open and feel at least temporarily at ease whislt I rattled off some letters. I'm concerned these won't be recieved in time before another visit and £60 waiting fee is added (be it allowed or not) still theres not a great deal more I can do. Anyways there all (three letters in total) being posted recorded in the morning.

                        I've written to Rossendales requesting details and querying several points of their billing as of course I still want to pay the correct amount owing, but not additional charges they are adding potentially incorrectly. I've asked for details on the 80p fee for card payments as I don't believe they can charge this, the waiting fee and what this comes under (in respect to the relevant act kindly quoted on this forum), the two visits on one day and the dispute between the levy amount as calculated and the one charged (I feel they at least need to explain their policy on working this out). Once I receive details of this and can digest it I shall peruse again the thread mentioned by Celetco and work out the next plan of action.
                        I also used the same template to contact the local council stating that whislt I appreciate that the debt is owed and that I am willing to pay this Rossendales don't want to play ball. As they employ Rossendales I am making them aware of the charges given and that I have requested a payment plan and made a first payment the 2nd to be made on my next pay day, but that unless they take this debt back I shall never manage to actually pay the debt as £60 fee for "waiting" each time they visit means I will never actually pay more than a proportion of one visit by a £50 a month payment.

                        Finally I wrote to my local MP, I've explained the situation and that if they (Rossendales) continue with this against me they will cause me to be unemployed I cannot get from my village to the next (drop kid at child minders) get to the next town and then out the otherside to a village to my place of employment which is 16 miles away. A short distance maybes but only do-able by vehicle. I've explained to him if this is allowed and that they take my car they will not only make me unemployed with little means to pay this debt, I will not be able to keep up with current payments or indeed rent payments (private house rent) and would find myself and two children homeless (sounds melodramatic but it would as to gain any employment or housing here you need money and a car as its the only means of transport available. I am hoping he may be the voice of reason in all this madness and nothing ventured nothing gained, but on the grounds if (I know big if) contact to prevent this well in advance has been made. Who knows shot in the dark or worthwhile, I'll have to wait and see.

                        I guess its a watch this space, I can feel myself starting to feel anxious again as another week is dawning and I know that Rossendales will be back, but have set this ball rolling and now have to remain strong until someone takes notice that I will pay but under my terms and not the bailiffs full payment one. Even if they took my car it would still be less than owed and of course then I would be out of work with no money. Logic to me states this would be silly for the council to allow (hence I mulled over the MP contact option) so I'm hoping to make progress eventually.

                        Fingers crossed huh


                        • #13
                          Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

                          As above, post #5, they cannot take your car and this was included in the legislation for the very reasons you have stipulated.

                          Have you sent Rossendales a Subject Access Request? Details are here Bailiff - SAR - Legal Beagles


                          • #14
                            Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

                            SAR not done as I didn't know where the form was, I shall print one off to send.

                            Todays news is typed through tears and me shaking like a leaf. A letter on my behalf was posted to Rossendales office in respect to the landlords car not being mine and pinned to the door so it was there for the van bailiff in my absense (not that I've any frame of mind to speak to her as she's not pleasant).

                            I've had a text message and a voicemail today during working hours (can have mobile on at work of which theres no signal anyways so it sits in my locker all day) stating she had attended and had clamped my car (this being the red car on the driveway that belongs to my landlord), that she would be sitting and waiting and that for as long as they wait it will cost me £60 an hour. I returned home to find my note removed so I knew she'd seen it, and she had replaced it into my mail box. In hand written letters are the below text I've typed it in to this post.

                            I'm absolutely frantic at the moment, I had to get someone to escort my 12 year old home as I was so afraid of them being here on his return from school (thankfully they weren't) and also for my return with my 5 year old. We're obviously in the house but I still feel so ill at ease and tearful its unbelievable, I can't believe people are paid to do this to others.

                            I am able to remove goods, tools, books and vehicles for council tax and I will. CONTACT me ASAP to get this matter sorted. I have clamped your car DO NOT DRIVE YOU HAVE BEEN CHARGED FOR THIS VISIT
                            There is a leaflet in a plastic wallet attached to the windscreen which I daren't remove, I can see no visiable clamp but having no idea if they're just of the yellow big wheel type variety I'm unsure if it is or isn't clamped as theres no visiable one as far as I can see mind I'm looking via a gap in the curtains. Its still not my car, obviously that means nothing to this woman and am absolutely in fear she will take my landlords car who I then have to brooch about this whole pickle at some cost as he's in Cyprus indefinately.

                            I've no idea what to do now, I fear she'll be back and more so this evening whilst me and the kids are once again hiding in our house like fugitives. I so want to pay this all off, but I just can't I haven't any funds at my means to do this and if she keeps continuing to charge me this waiting fee, I'll never pay the debt off and will be chased by her or indeed Rossendales forever.

                            I don't know how to brooch the latest addition on my letter to her, other than to copy it and pass it onto both the council and the local MP once they've made contact with me. I just don't know what to do other than cry.



                            • #15
                              Re: urgent advice with rossendales required

                              Oh Binded, I know its really scary but take a deep breath and try to relax. bailiffs thrive on scaring people, its how they get most people to pay up.

                              As you know from what Cetelco has told you some of their charges are fraudulent and their walking possession order is invalid.

                              They are all bullyboy tactics meant to frighten you x You know what to do should they show up for now just wait for your letters to have effect xxx
                              Dragging myself and my family back into the light with the help of Beagles.

                              My Hardship Claim
                              Me VS Abbey Win
                              BIL HSBC Credit Card
                              BIL EGG
                              BIL HSBC Loan
                              BIL PPI Win


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