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Lucas Credit Services

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  • Lucas Credit Services


    I've had a look through the forums and found some very useful information but I'm not sure how I can apply it to my case, which letter to use etc..

    The situation is probably familiar enough, I had a contract with 3 Mobile in 2004/2005 and terminated the contract early. 3 were fine over the phone but I noticed that they were still taking money from my account despite being assured that my contract was up, I was out of the final month and clear. I was advised in a shop that I might still be within some outstanding period and to not cancel the DD, after three or four months with them still taking money I called up and was assured they weren't taking money and told to cancel the DD at my bank which I did. In 2008/2009 I had a letter claiming that I owed 3 Mobile £42, I told the company at the time (I forget it's name but probably have the letter somewhere in the attic) that I didn't and if anything 3 owed me money. After that I heard nothing so I thought the matter closed.
    I received a letter on the 22nd July (dated the 18th) from Lucas Credit Services which is asking for £42 from an outstanding 3 Mobile debt, it's all bright red with big scary words like "final demand" and "a debt collection agent may come and visit you" which I presume are intended to frighten me into paying. Aside from one phone call in 2008(ish) I've had no contact from these people, admittedly I have moved house three times since 2005 but even so to receive a "final demand" out of the blue seems cheeky even for a credit company.

    I was advised that since this all occurred over 6 years ago I can tell them to whistle for it but I'd rather put this to bed once and for all.

    Also they have stated a start date of 29/12/2005 and an end date of 30/03/2011 as part of the account information, which is confusing. I was only ever with 3 Mobile for twenty two months, I admit I might be a little off with the dates but I have no relevant records from that period to go back and confirm exact dates.

    Do I send a "prove it" letter and leave it there or is there another template for dealing with this kind of thing?

    EDIT - It may also be worth mentioning I'm currently part way through a DRO to clear a student overdraft that was drowning me in interest and to manage repaying an overpayment of WTC.
    Last edited by perspexion; 28th July 2013, 14:13:PM. Reason: error
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