Yesterday, 19/02/2017, at 12: 00pm, at Kingston County Court hearing, I (the Claimant, litigants in person) sworn in and as I started to give my evidence-in-chief. Suddenly, the defendant`s barrister told the judge that their witness has get a 4:00pm flight and has to leave the court at 2:30pm. Politely, I suggested to the judge if he wants to hear the defendant`s witness first. The judge agreed and the witness then sworn in and gave evidence. Please, can you tell me if such action is legal? Was there an irregularity of the judge conduct?
I lost my case and I am planning to seek permission to appeal.
Your answer / help would be appreciated very much.
Thank you.
Yesterday, 19/02/2017, at 12: 00pm, at Kingston County Court hearing, I (the Claimant, litigants in person) sworn in and as I started to give my evidence-in-chief. Suddenly, the defendant`s barrister told the judge that their witness has get a 4:00pm flight and has to leave the court at 2:30pm. Politely, I suggested to the judge if he wants to hear the defendant`s witness first. The judge agreed and the witness then sworn in and gave evidence. Please, can you tell me if such action is legal? Was there an irregularity of the judge conduct?
I lost my case and I am planning to seek permission to appeal.
Your answer / help would be appreciated very much.
Thank you.