This is an ongoing case of disabled discrimination against a public body, I won an application for Specific Disclosure which was handed down in a judgement.
The Defendant has not complied. Specifically it is regarding e-disclosure.
I am not sure about this, and don't want to waste health and energy or upset the judge by doing the wrong thing.
Do I apply for another order for Specific Disclosure this time with sanctions? and do I write it as a witness statement and draft the order?
It's in Multi track and I am a litigant in person.
This is an ongoing case of disabled discrimination against a public body, I won an application for Specific Disclosure which was handed down in a judgement.
The Defendant has not complied. Specifically it is regarding e-disclosure.
I am not sure about this, and don't want to waste health and energy or upset the judge by doing the wrong thing.
Do I apply for another order for Specific Disclosure this time with sanctions? and do I write it as a witness statement and draft the order?
It's in Multi track and I am a litigant in person.