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MBNA - Help appreciated. Oh yes, hi!

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  • MBNA - Help appreciated. Oh yes, hi!

    Hi all

    I've read a few of the forum feeds on line and the advice seems solid and constructive, so here goes. I'd be really grateful for any advice as I'd like to try and pursue this if possible.

    MBNA have just rejected my claim for mis-sold PPI. My credit card was originally taken out with the Abbey National in 2002 via postal application (I didn't remember this but MBNA have sent me a copy of the original AN application form where I had ticked the PPI box). My account was then automatically transferred to MBNA when they took over the management of the AN credit card accounts. I recall being advised by letter from AN at the time and reassured that no action was required from me as a new card would arrive and everything would remain as was other than the new card would be branded MBNA. I suppose I naively ticked the PPI box as I assumed it might be useful without thinking through the possible ramifications. Also, as the form stated AN "strongly recommended" I take out the PPI cover, at the time I probably assumed the card application would be declined if I didn't agree.

    To cut a long story short, I haven't used the credit card for years and years although MBNA seem reluctant to give me information about the last transaction date so I don't actually know when I last used it (but I'm guessing about seven years++ ago). Anyway, having moved address numerous times and trying unsuccessfully to update MBNA with my new details - I couldn't pass the security checks as I hadn't used the card for so long - I gave up so had no statements forwarded to me for some time. However, I recently decided to do something about it and took direction from helpful Santander staff.

    I assumed that as I wasn't using the card but was still making monthly repayments the balance would be healthy but unbeknown to me, the PPI premium was increasing each month and my monthly payments were not meeting the minimum required payments. The debit balance isn't wildly hideous although I assumed I would be in credit by now and not debit, not understanding the PPI premium was increasing each month.

    Essentially the claim was rejected by MBNA as they had sight of the postal application and also said that although I was employed in a full time permanent position with an established UK business, that as I wasn't able to confirm the sick pay conditions relating to the that company at the time, the PPI would potentially have been required to meet my monthly repayments in the event of sickness/loss of employment.

    Do you all agree that MBNA have made the correct decision and I have no recourse or do you feel I should try and progress this with the ombudsman? I absolutely acknowledge that I have been naive and should have paid more attention to my finances but as I wasn't using the card and was making monthly repayments (and still am) I put it to the back of my mind.

    I'd be grateful for your thoughts, please.

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