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  • hello

    Hi all,

    I am new to this forum. I have been reading on various pages and the advice has been great.

    I had a bailiff turn up yesterday with regards to this years council tax that i havent paid. This is the 3rd visit they have made. I was at work for the first one and my husband was bullied into agreeing that we would pay 214.10 per month to settle a 1200 bill that they had, the original council tax bill is for 990!! When my husband saw them the first time he signed a walk in possession order for his works van. Couple of things, 1 because its his works van i didn't think by law they could take it, and 2 can i still refuse them entry now even though they have the signed walk in possession order?

    I am going to be ringing the council this morning to see if they will pull the debt back, thats the first phone call, if that doesn't work then i will be ringing swift bailiffs and seeing how i get on with them.

    My husband has been trying to become a self employed plasterer/general maintenance man now for a year and as you can imagine from the economic climate things aren't going well and some weeks he isn't earning anything. I only work part time and my husband has a navy pension but our mortgage and secured loan is over 1000 per month. we just dont have the amount that the bailiffs are asking for a month.

    Can anyone give me some advice??

    As you can imagine, havent got a lot of sleep.
    Last edited by lizalou; 8th February 2012, 08:26:AM.
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