My Wife & I were Committee Officers on our allotment but decided to step down after several years. The new committee have concocted a series of allegations about harassment, bullying and threatening behaviour which date back 3 years to well before they were involved. This was served without any notice giving us 28 days to leave site or appeal. We have appealed and involved the local authority's devolved management, a team of volunteers from various sites in the area. In fact, I was previously one of those very volunteer committee members as well for a time.
Our site rules for 'Warning Letters' states that that before a formal eviction is effected, a member can decide to leave without any record being held. This is so that, should they wish to return to any allotment site at a future date, they can do so without challenge. We have had no such warning but I wonder, if we were to leave before the outcome of our appeal, could we expect the eviction notice & record to be squashed so we could return to a site at a later date?
My Wife & I were Committee Officers on our allotment but decided to step down after several years. The new committee have concocted a series of allegations about harassment, bullying and threatening behaviour which date back 3 years to well before they were involved. This was served without any notice giving us 28 days to leave site or appeal. We have appealed and involved the local authority's devolved management, a team of volunteers from various sites in the area. In fact, I was previously one of those very volunteer committee members as well for a time.
Our site rules for 'Warning Letters' states that that before a formal eviction is effected, a member can decide to leave without any record being held. This is so that, should they wish to return to any allotment site at a future date, they can do so without challenge. We have had no such warning but I wonder, if we were to leave before the outcome of our appeal, could we expect the eviction notice & record to be squashed so we could return to a site at a later date?