Hello, there's seems to be a great deal of confusion on credit card payments and third party payment processors e.g Stripe. Does a payment processed by Stripe break the chain? Seems very unfair if it does as you don't know it is Stripe when you are making the payment - or know the possible implications if you do know it's Stripe.
Does anyone know the rules regarding section 75 claims? Are claims automatically rejected by the cc company or is it no longer an issue. There is very little information on line
and I would have thought there would be plenty of instances on forums of claims being rejected if this were the case. The Financial Ombudsmen does not seem to have a
have an answer either. Any help appreciated.
Does anyone know the rules regarding section 75 claims? Are claims automatically rejected by the cc company or is it no longer an issue. There is very little information on line
and I would have thought there would be plenty of instances on forums of claims being rejected if this were the case. The Financial Ombudsmen does not seem to have a
have an answer either. Any help appreciated.