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Missing car, no contact

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  • Missing car, no contact

    Hi all,

    Apologies if this is in the wrong place.

    I purchased a car from a second hand dealer around 8 weeks ago,the car came with a months warranty. Within the first couple of days I noticed that the coolant sensor was flagging up as faulty on the dashboard, I contacted the guy at the dealership I bought it from and he asked me to take it to a garage just round the corner from me so they could have a look and fix the issue. They examined the car and then replaced the coolant sensor and off I went. Another week went by and during this time the sensor fault was coming back intermittently so another call was made and back off to the same garage it went, during this time I noticed the coolant was over expanding and after having a similar issue with another car I suggested to them that the head gasket may be on its way out. Once again the garage claimed there was no faults present and that I was being ''paranoid''

    Fast forward to the 5th week of having the car and the inevitable happened, the head went and the car had to be recovered by the AA. I spoke to the dealership who told me to send the car back to him and not to worry as it would get fixed. I explained that I was not happy as it had been looked at twice by the garage of his choice and the problem had not been picked up on and sorted sooner.

    He stated on the Tuesday after this (the breakdown was on the Saturday before) that he had sent the car off to a garage in Dawlish ( several miles from me) and the car would be put right as soon as possible.This is where now the real problems begin....

    I was initially told the job would be completed in 2-3 days due to the amount of labor required involved, I told him he could put a claim through my AA's parts cover which would sub £500 of the bill. I left it a week and tried to contact him but all calls were ignored as were text messages for the next couple of days. He finally called me back and stated that he had been poorly but the work was underway and the car would be ready for the following Tuesday, sadly come Tuesday once again all calls and texts were ignored. On the Wednesday I received a text saying the car would be ready by end of play on the Friday that week but yet again all calls and texts since have been ignored.

    As it stands now I have had no contact from him since last Wednesday and have no idea where my car is, if its fixed, I've rang every garage in that area to no avail and after speaking to the AA it seems no claim for the work has been made either. I made the trip up to his dealership but nobody was there although there was around 12 cars for sale so he's obviously still operating.

    What are my options now? Would this be something the police would deal with?

    Any help is much appreciated

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