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employer/insurance outstanding invoice leaving debt collector pursuing patient

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  • employer/insurance outstanding invoice leaving debt collector pursuing patient

    Looking for some urgent advice, over 2 years ago I was had some counselling which was covered by my ex employer under the private medical insurance, during the treatment I was made redundant which meant a stop to any further sessions, however the sessions I had had whilst I was in employment had 2 outstanding invoices to be paid to the doctor by the insurance company, however both the insurance company and later my ex employer refused to pay the 2 outstanding invoices because although the doctor could confirm when the sessions took place however he couldn't confirm when the invoices had been sent.
    The doctor not being able to recoup the outstanding invoices later instructed a debt collecting company to pursue me for the debt claiming because I was the one that contacted him directly ( instructions from the insurance company to choose a doctor ) I was now liable to pay.
    I contacted the CAB to see where I stood with this and was offered that a letter be sent on my behalf to the debt collecting company back in March, I understand since Covid 19 there is a backlog, however due to the fact no correspondence has been sent to the debt collecting company, the debt collecting company have been sending harassing emails and letters to me and have taken to sending my neighbors letters confirming my name and address asking for them to confirm that I actually live at the address also asking if I have any assets referring to in brackets a car, offering a reward should they get any information from them.
    I have been in constant communication with the CAB who either can't put me through to the person dealing with my case, can't assign it to someone who would be able to help me, and keep saying that they are investigating but can't send me any copies of emails / letters sent to the debt collecting company ( even though recent advice from them is that a letter has already been drafted and sent) however I am unaware of the content of the letter and I I am still receiving letters from the debt collecting company for a debt that doesn't belong to me.
    One of the letters mention I have been awarded by Northampton courts a CCJ even though I have not received any information direct from the courts, nor can I see any CCJ on my name at present on my credit score. I have been informed bailiffs are to come to my house expecting payment.
    I have reported the debt collecting company to a no win no fee solicitor for data breach that could take 8 weeks, I have also logged a company with the FOS for the Insurance company again 8 weeks to investigate, and apparently the CAB have opened a complaint with the trading standards although I have yet to see any documents to back this up
    my main concern is the debt collecting company, I know many would say just contact them and explain the situation, however I need some advice as to what to actually say seeing as I should have contacted them back in March but didn't because CAB informed me they would do it.

    Any advice as to where I can get some support on what to do please would be greatly appreciated, without having to cost a huge amount ?
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