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MCOL claim

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  • MCOL claim

    Hi. I need guidance.

    I filed a claim on MCOL.

    The claim was issued in April 2020, and it could not be serve on the defendant.The claim forms were returned as unserved to the court and according to the notice of issue, the claim will be deemed served on the 5th calendar day after issue.

    I submitted the judgement against the defendant and the judgement was issued in June 2020.

    However, a bar was put in place for the defendant. I emailed the court and was informed that the bar was put in place because the claim has not been issued correctly. as it stated an address outside of the UK.

    We do have address in the UK, However due to the COVID-19 situation and the lockdown in the UK, we used our correspondence address outside of the UK in the claim form as we were afraid that correspondences from the court or the defendant may not reach us.

    The court's email informed that the matter will be referred to a District Judge for directions. Anyone could advise me whether the claim need to be resubmitted and any further court fee incurred?

    All helps is appreciated.

    Thank you
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