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Beneficiaries of will

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  • Beneficiaries of will

    My late fathers will requested that the house he owned with his wife ( my step mother) be divided in the following way :
    50 % to his wife
    16.67 % to me ( his daughter )
    16.67 % to my brother (His son)
    16.67% to my step brother ( his step son and son of his wife)

    The house is currently being sold to my Step brother , his solicitors conveyencing for him have written to me to ask that we sing a Assent for AS1 to transfer ownership so that my step brother purchases the house at value less his 16.67 %. They say it also reduces stamp duty.

    I am unclear how this could benefit me and my brother , we had hoped the house sale would go through and our percentages of the house would be given to us through probate.
    i am worried if we sign the forms , we sign away the right to receive our moneys, and my step mother and step brother could choose to live together in the house and therefore no need to sell. Leaving me and my brother with the right to insist on the sale to gain access to the money our father wanted us to have in his will ?
    i have tried to get advice but struggling to get anyone to help.

    the house has been sold for less than the market value too.
    any help welcomed or signpost to anyone who can help

    regards Wendy
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